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Pick pockets in UK?

Do I need to take my PacSafe bag to be protected from pick pockets?

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1840 posts

I think the term pick pockets refers to the stealing from the pockets on your clothes. A PacSafe bag would deter cutpurses.

Posted by
345 posts

It's still a problem in busier parts of London. Newspapers reported that such crimes were down during the Games, but are increasing again. People were more vigilant, and in some cases, helped chase the pickpockets and get things back. A few days before the Games, a friend had her bag stolen from her chair, and while it was all on camera, nothing was ever recovered. I remain a firm believer in my money belt, if just for the piece of mind. I was never worried about my bag - I wear it across my body, in front of me, and keep it closed and buckled. I'd do the same at home.

Posted by
35 posts

Be careful in busy tube station crowds, and dont keep anything valuable in a purse, as people can still grab it and run. I have had a hand in my purse while in a crowd, but I keep my cash and cards in a bra-stash under my clothing, and I lost nothing from my bag. I don't keep anything even in a bag because even if it is pac-safe, they can still purse snatch. Near 'Embankment' there are a lot of shady characters and crowds, and even a big metal sign from the police stating to be careful as pickpockets loiter in this area (people come up asking for a cigarette, asking for money, etc, they might be scammers/pickpockets in disguise) I have been on 4 trips to London and even Manchester, and never lost a dime. Just be careful to not leave your purse on a table when you are at a restaurant, as I have heard of people running up and grabbing the strap and running out before you even notice anyone coming up behind you!I don't think it is unsafe, but be aware of things and people and you should be ok.

Posted by
2800 posts

I've never had any trouble during any of my trips to the UK. If you use common sense you will be fine.

Posted by
5806 posts

London, like any big city, requires that you exercise common sense. London is the only place that I have ever been pickpocketed. In my case, I was partly to blame for being careless. I was coming up the stairs of the very crowded Notting Hill Gate tube station on a Saturday morning. I had my purse over my shoulder behind me. When I got to the top of the stairs, I noticed that my purse was unclasped. I clasped it and then stopped in a shop to get a coffee where I discovered my wallet was missing. They got about 50 GBP and I had to cancel all my credit cards. I lived there at the time, so it was an annoyance, but no big deal; I could go back to my flat where I had food in my fridge. When I am traveling in London, I do keep my small wallet in an inside pocket of my purse and I keep my hand over my purse when I am in a crowded place or on the tube. I lock a spare credit card in the safe so I have a backup.

Posted by
9126 posts

You seem concerned. Take the PacSafe for your peace of mind.

Posted by
993 posts

I've never had a problem in London. But if memory serves, it is/was the only place where Rick has been mugged. It was in a neighborhood that was a bit dodgy to start with.

Posted by
67 posts

I agree with the money belt suggestion - I never had any problem or saw anything (but I used a money belt), but have heard of some quick hands on the tube.

Posted by
2 posts

Thanks everyone for your help! I have a PacSafe bag but just didn't know if I needed to take it.