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Paying hotel with PayPal?

Is it smart to pay a hotel using PayPal? Does anyone know the fees associated with paying in pounds if you have a USD PayPal account? Has anyone had any trouble with this? Thanks!

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1152 posts

Never paid for a hotel with PayPal, but I have paid for some goods and services using it where the seller was paid in some currency other than U.S. dollars. PayPal does some conversion which shows up in your account. I've never checked to see whether the rate PayPal used was in line with the conversion rate at the time the payment was made, though. PayPal takes money out of my bank account to pay for my purchases. Although PayPal has some protection scheme for problems with a payment, paying with a credit card gives one some protections by law. Not sure whether that is better in practice or not. The big advantage to me with PayPal is that I don't worry about anyone using my credit card information to run up unauthorized charges. I haven't seen a hotel that gave PayPal as an option for payments. If it isn't a normal option, I'd be a bit concerned being one of the first to use it. Please let us know if you do and how it works.

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1525 posts

I've paid for a few apartment rentals (deposits mostly) via Paypal. It's incredibly convenient vs. the only other practical alternative, which is a bank transfer (for a $50 fee!). Paypal does do currency conversion, but the rate they use is something like 3-5% worse than the "real" currency exchange rate. For us & apartments, it's still a much better option than $50. Not doing a conversion passes that fee along to the person receiving the payment, and understanably might not like that. However, we have also used credit cards for lodgings several dozen times, and found the emailing of numbers to be standard and safe. It's your call. I've never seen a Paypal option for hotels, but if I did, I would consider it.

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9 posts

Thanks so much. I wound up doing it and it was fine. One less thing I have to bring money for later! I appreciate your opinion!