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Oyster card ok-Heathrow to Piccadilly?

Hi, can I use my Oyster card from Heathrow to Piccadilly or do I need to buy a separate ticket?

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8700 posts

If you load some pay-as-you-go pounds on an Oyster card, you can use it for Tube rides from Heathrow to anywhere in central London. The Piccadilly Line goes directly from Heathrow to Piccadilly Circus.

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33183 posts

Yes, to elaborate on what Tim said, it depends on what you have loaded onto your Oyster Card. If you had put a weekly zones 1 and 2 Travelcard on to it, and had no pay as you go money on it, no you could not. If you just have pay as you go money on it, as long as you have enough for the journey, yes. Or if you have a Travelcard on it and some pay as you go money on it, the answer is yes.

Posted by
676 posts

Thanks guys, I do have a pay as you go Oyster card so I'm good. Now just to have the fun of dragging my luggage from Victoria to Piccadilly to Heathrow...I can do carry on traveling in Europe but not so good when I go back to the US!

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1986 posts

Not sure if i understand you correctly. If you are travelling from Victoria (Tube station) to Heathrwow- no need to go to Piccadilly Circus. take the District (Green) Line west to Hammersmith, change there to Piccadilly line- it is just across the platform- a very very short walk.

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241 posts

If you've enough money on your card you can use it anywhere on the Tube.

Posted by
676 posts

Brian, is that faster? I don't have my Tube map with me. thanks, E