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Norway to Eastern Europe

We are planning a trip for 2014 from Washington DC to Norway and then to Prague, Vienna, Budapest and return to Washinton DC. Would like to do this in no more than three weeks. Would like transportation advice and hotel suggestions. Also what would be the best time to travel? Thanks, Ann

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1471 posts

It appears that it is best to first take the train from Oslo to Berlin and make connections from there. It might be quicker and maybe cheaper to fly...but I think you can miss some traveling experiences. If you're game for it, and want to drive, they do have an auto bridge from Sweden to Denmark now. I think May and September are the best times to travel in Europe for the weather and slightly smaller crowds.

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14580 posts

Hi, Are you open to the various means of travel from Norway? You could check which airlines fly from Oslo to these capitals. There is the ferry connection between Norway and Germany...Oslo to Kiel. From Kiel connect to Hamburg by regional train. In Hamburg you can take the ICE or fly. The Hamburg to Vienna EC night train requires a transfer in Munich.

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2 posts

Thank you Kathleen and Fred for your quick responses. They both were very helpful for our trip planning. Thanks again, Ann

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11294 posts

One quick way to see who flies to where from a particular airport (a trick I learned on this Helpline) is to look at the Wikipedia entry for that airport. Of course, you then have to double check it with actual airlines. Remember that many flights are not daily, and some may be seasonal. To get actual flights within Europe, use To look at train schedules and routes, use the Bahn (German rail) website, following Rick's directions:

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14580 posts

Hi, You're welcome. If you want to arrive in Prague by train, I would suggest the Oslo-Kiel (if you have the tme) by ferry route, then regional train to Hamburg Hbf., then the ICE direct to Berlin Hbf. and then the EC train direct to Prague. I'm assuming you're not adverse to breaking up any part of this route. Of course, you can fly from Oslo-Berlin.

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5837 posts

We did the reverse in 2012. Flew via SEA/AMS to Prague (and skiing in Germany) then returning to Prague, flew via AMS to Oslo for a week of skiing in Norway. I booked air using Yahoo Travel's multi-city option. A possible cheaper option is to use one of the super discount airlines for flights internal to Europe. Just watch for the extra charges and secondary airports. For example a cheap Ryanair to Oslo may land at the Sandefjord Torp airport, a lot farther to Oslo than Gardenmoen OSL.