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Norway in a Nutshell train tour

Where do I go to book/reserve seats on this tour out of Oslo?

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9 posts

Is there any way to book this trip through the railway? and not through a booking company? It seems to be pricier than I was led to believe and I wondered if that was due to the extra booking fee.

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9109 posts

The Nutshell tour is usually sold-out weeks ahead of time, so it's not practical to purchase it at the rail station once in Oslo; I doubt it would be any cheaper. You have the option of picking up you tickets at the rail station instead of being mailed; this will save you about $20US. Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world; everything is expensive.

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3 posts

I also have been looking into Norway in a nutshell. With the current exchange it is over $370 per person. round trip from Oslo. I am going to check out just traveling from Oslo to Flam or Voss and back.

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158 posts

There is a company called Five Stars of Scandinavia...located in Gig Harbor Washington.....they booked the trains, tickets and lodging for us and it was a great way to do the Norway in a Nutshell train tour from Oslo to Voss to Bergen..........

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158 posts

I found Five Star of Scandinavia on-line...very helpful when I used them!

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3 posts

Thanks for the suggestions. I checked both airlines. They have tickets for about $75 one way. Norway in a nutshell is 1240 NOK or about $243 one way. Together I would save about $50 per person flying back. Plus I would get to spend more time in Bergan. I will check with the 5 star travel to see if they can help me with this or I will book myself.
Thanks again.

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1717 posts

Hello Robin and Joy. If you travel across Norway, between OSLO and Bergen, ride on a boat on the fjords (between Flam and Gudvangen). The expensive part is the train ride across Norway. There might be a way to acquire the train tickets at a lower price. If a person is going to Norway for the "Norway in a Nutshell" fjord trip only, a way to do it at minimal expense can be to start at Bergen and return to Bergen. That can be done in one day. Or start at Oslo and return to Oslo (I recommend stop at Aurland for one night, at Aabelheim Pension). I went to Norway in May, 2007. I flew to Bergen, from an other country. If you will be at OSLO, and you want to minimize the travel expenses, you might consider not going to Bergen. I do not put a high priority on being a tourist at Bergen. Being at Bergen is miserable on a cloudy day. Most days at Bergen are cloudy and rainy.

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3 posts

Thanks for all of the input. I changed my plane tickets to fly directly to Bergan. I will be there overnight then do norway in a nutshell 1 way to Oslo. I can hardly wait. Plus this is a little less expensive

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9 posts

Yes, thank you all for your suggestions. I will be staying in Oslo for 2 nights prior to the Norway in a Nutshell train trip (24 hour version; Oslo to Bergen and back to Oslo). I didn't want to come back to Oslo and have to get another nights lodging. I had hoped for a cheaper rate directly through the train service. Figured I was playing extra to the ticketing company. Thanks again.