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New Forest and Salisbury

We are spending 2 weeks in London the end of April, with a 3 day side trip to Salisbury. In addition to visiting the cathedral, Old Sarum, and Stonehenge, we plan to rent a car (it seems bus tours do not start until June) to visit the New Forest. We're taking my mother in law, who is an active 86, and hoping to squeeze as much as we can into a day. Any suggestions for outstanding sights, great places for lunch etc. would be appreciated. Kate

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1833 posts

We enjoyed Montisfont Abbey and Winchester Cathedral. Winchester is also a nice town for walking. It's interesting to compare Winchester and Salisbury cathedrals. If you haven't already read it, you might enjoy Sarum by Edmund Rutherford.

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2 posts

Thanks Cynthia - neither Winchester Cathedral nor the Abbey were on my list, but they are now! I have read all of Edward Rutherford's UK based novels..Sarum, London, and just finished The New Forest and loved them all. What a wonderful way to read history.

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1446 posts

We loved seeing all the wild horses roaming in the New Forest plus Beauleue (spelled wrong probably). I agree - Winchester was great.

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1446 posts

One other thing: we took the ferry boat over to the Isle of Wight and spent a couple days there - it was wonderful. Carisbrooke Castle, Osborne House and just driving the island - many things to see.

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1986 posts

I endorse salisabury and Winchester cathedrals- both the cathedrals and their surroundings are interesting (Winchester is in a large meadow with a little stream along the edge) and the towns are good. For New Forest we enjoyed deiving around and seeing the occassional small group of horses. Did not do much else in the Forest, but enjoyed the change and the esperience. Also enjoyed the village of Bucklers hard in the Forest, very different has a shipbuilding tradition (all those trees) ad a Maritime Museum

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993 posts

Both Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals are wonderful. Read about William Walker "the man who saved Winchester" What he did is quite remarkable and will make you want to see the cathedral. Beaulieu is home of the National Motor Museum and a favorite of my husband. My sister and I stopped in a little village one year call Burley. It has a rather witchie theme. And horses and donkeys coming to the picnic table looking for handouts. Please drive carefully. Arundel Castle is another keeper. Is it in the New Forest? Anyone?

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9 posts

Arundel Castle is well out of the New Forest - about 60 or 70 miles to the East. If you want a castle in the New Forest, there's always Hurst Castle on the extreme southern edge of the New Forest by Lymington - one of Henry's efforts to keep those Frenchies out.