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Need your help. What is a ...

I know this is an odd question but can someone please explain to me what exactly a "hob" is. My husband and I are looking at renting apartments/cottages for our trip and some descriptions say they only have a hob and oven. I'm not sure if a hob is anything like our American 4 ring stove top. I want to make sure I understand what it is and if I'll be able to cook on it without a lot of difficulty.


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9363 posts

A quick inquiry at revealed that a hob is the cook top: "The top cooking surface on a cooker. It typically comprises several cooking elements (often four), also known as 'rings'." So, yes, it's the same as here.

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780 posts

Hob - Burner on a stove top. If they say they have A hob, that is probably one of those portable burners, electric rings you plug in, usually are singles. My british husband says they are popular for rentals.

One of the many fun things about british english and american english. My husband told me one day to meet him for lunch just "over past the flyover" and then his cell phone died.

I was lost and later he called me at work asking why i didnt meet him, i said i have no clue what a "flyover" is. Turns out, thats what they call a highway overpass!

British to American translation dictionary -

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495 posts

A hob is what you call a "stove top", it does not indicate some kind of portable device.