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Need help with London/Paris Itinerary

I would like to optimize our time as much as possible. This is what I have so far:
Day 1 (Fri,June 12): Arrive in London-get over jet-lag
Day 2, 3, 4: London sightseeing
Day 5, 6: Day-trips to the countryside (cottswalds, bath, etc.)
Day 7, 8, 9: Paris
Day 10: Day trip to Versailles
Day 11: Depart Paris in early afternoon

We might want to visit the English country-side first over the weekend, since we have a friend who lives outside of London who will be taking us around. Did I allocate enough time in each of these places?

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32274 posts


Your Itinerary looks reasonably good. However, I wanted to mention that although you'll be able to get to Bath easily with public transport (Bus or Rail), the Cotswolds is a different story. I believe the only rail station in the area is in Moreton-on-Marsh.

One possibility might be to adjust your Itinerary so that your friend can take you to the Cotswolds. It's much easier with a car, as the villages are fairly close together and you would have a "local Guide" as well. That also saves you the cost of a rental car.

Happy travels!

Posted by
643 posts

While you're getting over your jet lag, it's best to go out and walk and get fresh air. Rick says the thing that jet lag hates the most is sunlight and exercise :-) My wife and I got to our apartment at 4:30pm and went out at 5:45pm to go to a couple places (Harrods and Victoria Station for sightseeing info at the tourist office) before stopping for dinner in South Kensington at Pret. We were in bed by 9pm and woke up at 4:30am!!

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1358 posts

Jet lag should be no problem. I agree with Dave. My wife and I always hit the streets walking the area as soon as we arrive at our hotel.

In our early days we napped first, but now we know that exercising is much better.

We also walk a lot on our flight over. I try to not sit longer than 30 minutes without moving down the aisle.

I annoy the flight attendants in the galley a lot and visit the WC. Sometimes I stop and talk with other passengers who seem friendly.

Once I spend half an hour talking with a Polish lady who showed me the tattoo numbers on her arm from Auschwitz.

Posted by
8892 posts

What time are you arriving and where are you staying in London? I ask because I wholeheartedly agree with other posters. Get out an walk after you've checked into your accommodation. London is a very walkable city and I love either walking to or taking the tube to Westminster when I arrive. When you exit that tube stop you are near the Thames, Big Ben, Parliment and Westminster Abbey. You may also want to check out to see their Oxford and Costwald tour. If you have any interest, the Jack the Ripper walk is great fun.

Enjoy your trip.