I will be in Manchester for couple of days on business in September. Can anyone recommend things to do in Manchester? Museums, pubs, sites?
The main museums in Manchester are:
-Manchester Museum : http://www.museum.manchester.ac.uk/ - a small-ish general museum based in the University grounds which currently has a travelling exhibition of the Lindow Man, admission is free.
-Museum of Science and Industry - http://mosi.org.uk/ - Manchester was a city born of the Industrial Revolution so a logical site for this excellent museum, free entry.
-Urbis - http://www.urbis.org.uk/ - Architecturally interesting museum of "urban living", many different exhibitions and a decent restaurant on the top floor.
For a traditional pub you could try the Peveril Of The Peak - http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/11/1129/Peveril_Of_The_Peak/Castlefield - or for novelty value you could try y the Temple, located in an ex-public toilet - http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/39/3900/Temple/Manchester.
For pub food you could do worse the one of the two Chop Houses, Sam's and Mr Thomas' - http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/28/2816/Mr_Thomas_Chop_House/Manchester