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Lynton Hotel in London

Anyone have any experience with Lynton Hotel in London? We are going in November and I had reserved Charlotte Guest House, but the reviews seem questionable. Can't remember how I stumbled across Lynton? Tripadvisor has good reviews.

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2785 posts

Stacie, if you go to the Graffiti Wall above, click on feedback on travel books, then click on London, go to the accommodations, you will see some good comments on the Lynton.

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977 posts

Google Lynton Hotel London and check out the Trip Advisor link (traveller's reviews.

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3 posts

Thanks for the help. I thought I saw a posting about the Lynton on here, but I couldn't find it. I finally got tired of searching and decided to put out a post. I did indeed do the trip advisor for reviews. Looks promising! Thanks for your help.