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Looking for creative solutions.....HELP!

Leaving for the U.K. on Monday and taking my mother along. So....Mom calls tonight and says she didn't have an ATM card and waited until today to try to get one from her bank (in her defense, there are some very extenuating circumstances). Anyway, the bank tells her she'll have her card in 7-8 business days - WAY too late. So I'm left scratching my head....she can give me the cash and I could put it in my account, but then we'll be faced with daily withdrawal limits. She arrives here Saturday...I'm thinking of calling around and seeing if someone can issue a same-day ATM card on Monday. What about taking over a boatload of U.S. cash and exchanging same at a London bank (knowing full well that the exchange rate might not be the greatest). I want to avoid credit card cash, faithful RS followers, do we have any other options? Many thanks in advance for your ideas.

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345 posts

I don't think that the daily cash limit should be that big of an issue. Check your daily limit, ask to up it if need be, which is something your bank should be able to do immediately, and with little fuss. You could just do it while you're away. As well, for some larger things, such as paying for hotel, you can put money down on your credit card and then pay that bill with credit, saving having to do what's likely a larger expense in cash. Even with a regular limit, you should be able to do at least 200 pounds a day, which is a decent amount even for two people.

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3551 posts

From my experience I could get no more than about $300 US dollars per day per ATM. Alot was due to max that foreign ATM would give out. Sometimes however I would just go to another bank and make another withdrawl for their max.Make sure you notify your Bank that you will be making multiple daily withdrawls in UK bef you lv home.If you need more than that per day you could try cking with American Express office to see if their office in UK would give you GBPounds by cashing in a amex gift card that you purchase here bef you go. Unsure of AMex gift card transaction fee.Travelers cheques unfortunately can be a big loss in tranactions fee up to 12% at some european banks. hope this helps alittle. gd luck.

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12 posts

Unless you are paying everything in cash, the daily limit should not be a problem. Last summer in London, my wife and I paid hotel with CCard and everything else cash and only needed to do ATM twice in eight days. I would suggest not carrying funds to convert at bank, besides the obvious, it could be a bigger pain than frequent trips to the ATM.

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970 posts

Roy, I'm sure the cards are made and mailed from a central facility, not at you local bank. I think the only chance to get an ATM card by Monday is to find someone who will send it to you as an overnight package. It's not an unreasonable request as long as you pay for it. It's a good idea to ask for your ATM daily limits to be bumped up for such a trip. You never know when you might need it. So, from my perspective, asking your mom to withdraw a lot of cash for deposit into you account seems the best approach if she doesn't have an ATM card. Use credit cards to pay for hotels and other large costs. Don't travel with a thick wad of cash. Too risky. If you lose an ATM or credit card, they will send you a new one. If you lose the cash, it's gone. Many U.S. banks have a relationship with one or more UK banks that gives you a bit of a deal on using the UK bank's ATM's. Still costs you, but not as much as it might. Worth asking your bank. Daily withdraw limits imposed by UK banks haven't been an issue for me. Nor have I noticed them. If you know you are going to need a batch of cash in a few days, just be sure to withdraw as much as you can in the preceding days. Be sure to get and record a toll-free or collect number for your bank/credit card issuer so you can call them from the UK if disaster strikes. These numbers are often on the back of the cards, Of course, record them elsewhere.

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2 posts

i am not promoting you to carry around large sums of cash, but i have been to amsterdam and scotland and both times i have carried only cash and all was well!! i don't carry it all in one place and never pull out wads of it when i'm paying for something. i will be going to ireland in a month and i will be carrying cash with me then too, just another idea!!

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4412 posts

Roy, are you traveling to the UK only? Also, is this cash for eating, sightseeing, etc., and NOT for paying large hotel bills? IF SO, you might take some pounds with you - get them here in the states. Then if you have any problem with your ATM card, you'd have a bit of cash to work with (and not have to use credit cards for every little thing). Try VERY HARD to use your ATM ONLY at ATMs located at banks...and ONLY during bank hours. And preferably never immediately before leaving town for the next location. If there's a problem with your card, someone can help you. I'm guessing you only have one physical ATM card in your possession? If you put all of your eggs into your ATM account and something happens to your card...YIKES! [last year, my husband's ATM card never worked...I let the bank know about both of our cards at the same time before our trip...luckily, I gave him an allowance ;-)] I personally would feel better about taking some pounds over in my moneybelt...

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124 posts

Travelers checks are reported on many forums...they are difficult if not impossible to get cashed. We also took cash....newer 50 dollar bills (only the ones with the pinkish red color) 100's are harder to exchange, do to counterfeiting problems. It cost us a little bit more (1-2%) than the atm card, but was a no-brainer for us. 20-30 fifty dollar bills will fit nicely in a money belt. Worked good for us.

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635 posts

Your daily limit on your ATM card is set by your bank. I had mine increased for a recent trip to Ireland. I paid for everything in cash except the rental car. I only got cash twice during the 12 day trip. I carried several hundred euros in my money belt most of the time. My advice is to have your mother give you some cash to deposit in your bank. Get your ATM limit raised to whatever they will go to. Estimate your expenses and get several days worth of pounds when you do visit an ATM. I also suggest you have two different ATM cards from two different financial institutions. That way if you lose a card or something happens to the account you won't be without a way to get cash but it's probably too late for that now.

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77 posts

I admit this info is almost 2 years old...........but I went to the main Capital One branch in Houston, opened an account, and walked out with a new debit/ATM card within one hour. It is worth calling around and see if you can find a bank that can do this. Obviously, you will need cash to open the account.