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Looking for castle lodging in Scotland for a family of 4.

Hello! Would love any suggestions available!! I will be traveling with 3 other adults and am looking for castle lodging for a "family" room. Reasonable prices. Am open to any and all places in Scotland as I am just beginning my research! Thanks!

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8293 posts

I guess you'll have to tell us what "reasonable" means to you. Somehow "reasonable prices" and "castle lodging" don't seem to go together, but who knows.

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3428 posts

It's not REALLY a castle, but it looks like one- The Caringorm hotel in Aviemore. The food is marvelous. Not sure if they have a family room, but their rates are very reasonable. It is across from the rail station.

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5678 posts

This is a tough request as most castles don't really have family rooms. They tend to have really nice rooms with four poster beds. Also, they tend to be pricier. This place did have a family room at least. Here's another. I personally stayed at Stonefield Castle. It wasn't cheap, but dinner and breakfast were included. Pam