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London to Liverpool

Is it possible to take a daytrip from London to Liverpool? What are the best connections. Is train the best option?
We're traveling first week in October for 10 days in London. Any tips appreciated.

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15596 posts

My cousin is a Beatles fanatic and made a day trip to Liverpool to absorb everything Beatle.

Unfortunately, there was a delay in his train and he missed his tour.

The trip each way is about 2 1/2 hours. Trains leave Euston Station in London on weekdays and go direct to Liverpool (no change necessary.)

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104 posts

Hi Steve,

I did a daytrip to Liverpool from London this June. The train is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours, and the first one leaves London early, so you can get a full day in Liverpool. I didn't mind the trains in England, I found them much cleaner than the ones I took in France and Italy. I walked from the train station to the Albert Docks to go to the Beatles Story Museum. It took about half an hour I think, and only because I didn't really have a map and was just following the signs to the Albert Docks that are on the road, and got lost a few times. The museum itself was amazing; I am a HUGE Beatles fan, so it was totally worth it. The audioguide is narrated by John Lennon's sister, and Paul and Ringo speak a few times too. The giftstore is probably the best giftstore I have ever been in - wall-to-wall Beatles! LOL

The only downside to the day (besides the fact that it was pouring rain the entire time and my umbrella broke) was the train ride home. It turned out that there was construction on some of the rail lines, and so there was no direct train back to London (something that no one had told me when I bought my reservations). I had to take a train, then a shuttle bus, and then another train, and it took close to five hours to get back. Not fun. So, I would recommend the trip to Liverpool, just check to make sure that there is a direct train both ways first. Let me know if you have any other questions, and have fun!

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2783 posts

Hi Steve, I see no reason for you to travel first class to Liverpool. In all the trains I have been on in the UK I have found them to be pretty clean.