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London Sightseeing in the Rain

We will be in London at the end of the month and I'm a little stumped as to how to dress if it rains every day and we're out in it doing the tourist thing. Do you recommend rain pants, a poncho or just a hips-length rain coat and umbrella? We are Southern Californian and are used to much rain. Thanks!

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11507 posts

Dan,,its rained (not solid, off and on, ) for my three summer visits to London( and my march visit was 100 times worse, with sleet and cold) so being prepared for rain is wise, but , you could be lucky too. I strongly advise against "rain pants" those would be overkilll for sure, you would get so hot and sweaty in those,, I live in Pacific northwest and we get alot of rain and the only people who would even own such gear would be motorcylers, bikers, campers, and perhaps preschool children! lol We used to say "your not made of sugar so you won't melt in the rain".. lol Just a light weight rain jacket and an umbrella is more then enough.
If you hit a few days of rainy weather its helpful to have two pairs of closed toe shoes you can alternate day to day so they can dry out. Its not likely to be torrential downpours , so don't over worry about it.

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9126 posts

Oh lord. Why worry about rain when you'll be lost in London's notorious fog?!? Seriously pack a lightweight water proof jacket, closed toed shoes, buy a brolly there, and tour a free museum or have pint if the rainfall is heavy. BTW rains more in Ireland or Seattle. I suggest you buy the RS London Guidebook. VERY helpful. Easy read that greatly benefits first time London visitors.

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1986 posts

If it rains, no matter what you are using, your shoes, socks and trouser legs will get wet. I always take at least two pairs of closed toe shoes. That way you can change your wet shoes and socks.

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964 posts

I agree that rain pants would be overkill, and very uncomfortable. The closed toe shoes is also a good idea. Most people here wear a lightweight raincoat and carry an umbrella. You could buy the umbrella once you got here- they're certainly cheap enough and you can get one anywhere- and either dump it at the end of your stay- or take it homes as a souvenir.
Hope you have a great time and it doesn't rain at all!

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317 posts

I'll add to the pile here - rain pants are overkill. A lightweight waterproof jacket and an umbrella are enough. If you are really worried, either bring a second pair of closed toe shoes, or one pair that is waterproof. Honestly, if it really starts to come down, find yourself a pub and a pint or a museum to nip into. It is London - if it isn't raining, wait 10 minutes and check again.

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3 posts

Thanks for all your replies and I'll be packing accordingly (and praying for sunshine).

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3428 posts

I really prefer a hooded rain jacket (I wear a windbreaker type, lightweight one) to using an umbrella- except for VERY heavy rain. We haven't often experienced the heavy, blustry stuff in London. Most of Covent Garden Market is covered, so it makes a great place to wait out squalls.

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275 posts

Once when I visited the National Gallery on a rainy day I was able to check my wet umbrella into the cloak room. I don't know whether other galleries or museums do this. London rain is usually drizzly and not very intense so an umbrella is sufficient.

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719 posts

Ditch the rain pants (have you figured this out, yet?), but bring a lightweight rain jacket (breathable is best), and an umbrella will work. Living in Colorado, where rain is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, I don't even own an umbrella. I'm not a huge fan of them, so when I go to Britain, I take the jacket and a waterproof hat (think: Seattle Sombrero or something similar). With that being said, my last trip to Britain was 2 weeks in September, and we have 12 days of blue skies and 80's (20's if that's your thing). Scotland was the only rain/fog that we saw, and that was just 2 days. You never know...

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248 posts

Two tips not mentioned yet - "Scotchguard" your slacks and, perhaps, your non-waterproof shoes. Not on fine, delicate clothing, but chinos/khakis/jeans - certainly! Will help repel water if rain...if no rain, will repel any beer sloshed on you in a wonderful pub experience. Last, and best, take an extra pair of socks with you during the day. If feet get wet - a dry pair to the rescue! Truly helps with minimizing blisters. Lose yourself in the British Museum on any particularly rainy day. Enjoy!

Posted by
724 posts

I invested in a good pair of waterproof shoes (mine are Keens, but others in my family have Merrills and New Balance) and they are the best investment ever! Not only did they stay dry on my trip, they saved packing an extra pair of shoes (I just took sports sandals for hanging out in my hotel room) and I have worn them in wet weather ever since. I cannot understand why I didn't buy them years ago!!!! (they weren't cheap, but I can't believe how often they come in handy!) I agree with the no rain pants suggestions, but I would add that you should look into lightweight travel/hiking pants you can get at places like REI or Eastern Mtn Sports. Yes, they will get wet. But they will also dry super fast. We got caught in a torrential downpour and ended up taking a cab cross town to our hotel. By the time I got there, my pants were dry. My family members wearing jeans had to wait days for their pants to dry out.

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5806 posts

A raincoat and a compact umbrella is all you need. It is a city. If it starts raining cats and dogs, you can easily duck into a shop or cafe or museum or a pub or tube station and get out of the rain.