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London: Pubs and Older Kids

We will be traveling to London soon with our 12 year-old daughter. We'd like to visit a pub or two, but realize that some pubs are more kid-friendly than others. I've heard that pubs often post their rules regarding children at the front door. Is this generally true? Does anyone have recommendations for interesting London pubs that allow children? Thank you!

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332 posts

My method was to ask the bar staff if the kids were allowed in for a meal. Sometimes they were, sometimes they weren't, and sometimes we had to go to a separate area.

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5425 posts

As an aside, legally the situation changed in 2003. Now accompanied children (ie under 16) are in general permitted entry. However, within that law the licencee can choose his or her own policy. Many will display this outside to avoid confusion, but this is not a requirement. Quite often it will be unrestricted during the day, maybe within one area, but no under 16 after some time in the evening. My local for example allows children at all times in the lounge side but never in the sports bar side which is intended for 18+. I know it doesn't directly apply in your case, but for others no alcohol can be bought for anyone under 18 in licensed premises, with the exception of beer, wine and cider with a table meal for those over 16.

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33452 posts

Its been my experience that most pubs allow children, especially during the day, certainly if meals are served. Rather than looking for a sign saying when children are permitted I would look for a sign, if there is one at all, of when they are not welcome..

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2798 posts

We never had an trouble going into pubs with our daughters anywhere in the UK.

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7895 posts

Just an observation, but be aware that many Pubs in central London will see a heavy afterwork crowd, probably less conducive to having kids there at those times, even if they allow kids. The crowd will be enough to keep you away though.