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London, late May or early August???

Am planning a 2 week trip to London this year and can travel either starting late May into early June or early August. We hope to find a centrally located flat and am finding that there are more openings in August. HOWEVER, Aug is the high tourist season, so wonder if it will be crazy there. We plan to do lots of day trips out of London as well as a few days touring London itself. Any advice?

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1829 posts

Late May/early June in London, weather permitting, is a lovely time to visit (on average August has more rainfall, but who knows!). The early summer flowers in gardens, squares and parks are in bloom and everything looks fresher. As will the countryside. The daylight hours are at their longest, it does not get really dark until after 10pm so good for daytrips.

Everything will be up and running.

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291 posts

In May there is the soccer world cup and possible UK elections, traditional times when people don't travel. London tends to be a ghost town when there is a match on.
August is one of the cheaper months in London as UK kids only get August off for summer holidays and all the businessmen that normally fill the hotels are away.

Both ways you should get some good last minute discounts

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1035 posts

World Cup starts in early June..... Mexico vs. host SA on June 11.

England opens against USA on June 12 -- it'd be fun to be in London for that one, especially if we pull the upset!!

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6 posts

Buckingham Palace won't be open to the public in June, but it will in August. I would suggest making a list of everything you really want to see and then making sure nothing's going to be closed at certain times of the year.

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2800 posts

All the school kids in the UK are off in August so you might run into a lot of UK families on holiday. I have been there in both May and August and have not found anything closed in May. Buckingham Palace is only open for two months per year which in August and September. They started opening it for two months to help pay for the repairs at Windsor Castle after the big fire in 1992.

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137 posts

Go in May, avoid the crush of American tourists off for Summer vacation.

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12313 posts

I was there in May and thought it was ideal. I did get caught in one downpour, otherwise the weather was perfect and the crowds were very managable.