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London in June

I will be in London for two weeks during the middle of June. I'm used to hot weather by June, so I'm a little confused about June in London. Should I take a light cotton jacket? What about sleeping? Pajamas or a t-shirt? Would it be good to take a sweatshirt for rainy mornings, or is that a waste of valuable packing space?

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10344 posts

Here's the last 10 years of weather data for London Juen 10 - 20, neatly summarized London weather last 10 yrs June 10-20.Obviously, no one here can tell you what the weather will be like in London this June. It's better to know the historical data, it gives you something rather than speculation and generalizations that are likely to be even more wrong for this year than the historical averages (which will also be wrong but give you something to go on).

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515 posts

We were in London last June 2008, 8 days, lovely sunny weather, pleasant evenings, light jacket on a couple of cool mornings, rain only one morning. Used our umbrella only about an hour the entire trip. Slept with our hotel window open...that was our air conditioning. But that's June 08. June 09 could be significantly different. Watch weather websites with long range forecasts before you go. Google them. Here are a couple.

Saturday, June 13th, 09.. Queen's official birthday is celebrated on a Saturday each June. Perhaps you might like to consider it, too. We saw much pomp and circumstance and most of royal family last year. Being in the crowds along the mall was great fun. We stood behind a little British lady who had come from quite a distance and was so proud to be seeing "my queen" for the very first time, so she was thrilled when her queen rode by in her lovely carriage. When Camilla passed by in a second carriage with William and Harry, (Prince Charles and Princess Anne were on horseback) she shook her head and said, "You know, we lost our poor Diana." After the parade, we gathered right in front of the Buckingham Palace gates to see the family come out onto the balcony and watch the Royal Air Force flyover. Yes, it was quite a memorable day for us. We adored London. Have a great time.

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1829 posts

June is my favourite month in the UK. Yes it might rain, be cool etc but it can be glorious. The green vegetation in the parks is still fresh and it has the longest days.

So follow the usual advice for travelling to London and layer but not so many as winter! My OH wears a T shirt under his shirt (long or short sleeved) and ditches one or the other depending on whether he is in a smart or casual location. I do the same ie a sleeveless cami type top under a long sleeved top. When we travel in the UK I always pack a smart lightweight plain coloured fleece jacket which is warm enough if the sun doesn't shine, it packs pretty flat. And of course a telescopic umbrella which you could pick up cheaply over here and dump before you go home. Your choice of nightwear will depend on whether your accomodation has ac.

If the weather is kind, walking around London in the long twilight can be magical.

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20 posts

Thanks Linda,

I like the layering idea, and it's always good to get first hand knowledge from "boots on the ground."

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20 posts


Thanks for your response and the tip about the Queen's birthday. I will be there with bells on!

How did you find the humidity effected the temperature? Is June in London sort of like March weather in Texas?

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81 posts

My best practise is to always pack light. You can always buy a cheap extra sweater locally if you really need to.

Sleeping is not a problem as in all cases you'll be indoor (I guess). The problem is the random showers. You can buy umbrellas there for 5 pounds or less at any convenience store.