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London Day Trips - Cambridge or Oxford?

If one has to choose a day trip out of London bewteen Cambridge or Oxford, which is the one and why? Thanks in advance.

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10344 posts

You'll probably get recommendations for both, either would be good. Both are convenient day trips from London.

Rick Steves prefers Cambridge, if you pick just one. He says for its charm and calls it the epitome of an English university town.

In Oxford's favor, it's a convenient stop if you also want to visit Blenheim, Stratford, or the Cotswolds.

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4684 posts

As an Oxford alumnus I'm biased, but Oxford has more of a "city" atmosphere while Cambridge is more purely an academic town. But there's really not that much to choose for beauty or ease/time of travel.

Sorry to get heavy, but one thing you do need to remember is that Oxford or Cambridge colleges are working educational institutions and not tourist attractions, so don't get upset if they won't let you inside and if they do behave appropriately.

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1266 posts

Ken - Like other posts it's 6 of one half dozen of the another. Travel time via train is about the same. Cost to Oxford is about £16, and Cambridge is about £38. Walking around both towns was interesting. Going to Christ Church was nice as was punting on the river Cam.

If you do go to Cambridge, visit the American Cemetery outside of town. There is a stop on the HOHO bus for it.

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6898 posts

We visited both recently. Oxford is much more spread out. There are 38 colleges. Blackwells bookstore is the largest in England (11 stories of books under the street. We took the HoHo bus to see everything. Cambridge is more compact. We weren't there as long.

I agree with Kent on the opportunity to visit Blenheim Palace. Stunning. It's absoultely massive. It's about 10 minutes out of Oxford. Another 30 minutes down the road and your in the heart of the Cotswold. You'll find that Blenheim Palace was built for the Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill, who was a distant ancestor of Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, who was born there. The 11th Duke still lives there. Pardon the history lesson but I like this stuff.

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22 posts

Thanks folks! But you are not making it any easier for me thus far. Okay, let me refine my inquiry a bit further - what if you have only a five hour sting and is on foot only?

Posted by
22 posts

Thanks folks! But you are not making it any easier for me thus far. Okay, let me refine my inquiry a bit further - what if you have only a five hour sting and is on foot?

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8293 posts

Ken, in May we spent about 5 hours in Cambridge. We walked along the High Street for a bit, visited Trinity College Chapel, had lunch in a charming restaurant, shopped at the National Trust store and went punting on the River Cam. 5 hours well spent.

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1446 posts

I myself would definitely do Cambridge. We spent at least 5 hours there - enjoyed walking the town, going through the art museum, riding in a boat on the Cam. We loved it.

Posted by
22 posts

Ah yes, Harry Potter....I'm sold. Cambridge it is!
Thank you, thank you all!

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12313 posts

I chose Oxford and wasn't sorry. I didn't, and still don't, think you need to do both. So I haven't been to Cambridge.