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Lime Tree Hotel vs. Luna Simone

Hi there, we have researched trip advisor and read through Rick Steves' hotel recommendations and see Lime Tree Hotel and Luna Simone. Has anyone stayed at these properties that can provide a recommendation regarding the best place to stay for two families (4 adults and 4 teens)?
Any feedback on how these properties would compare to the Millenium Bailey hotel other than location?

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1177 posts

Hi Kerri. I've only stayed at Luna Simone and would definitely recommend it. I actually booked their quad room for my trip in April and they quoted me a rate of L165 which I calculated to be about $265 if $1.60 = L1. I then did a little more research and found apt listings for less than that nightly and with a group of 4, I decided to book a flat through instead. I just thought it would be more comfortable with a group to be in a flat where we can get up and have breakfast when we want and even save a little money by making some meals. I even have a washer in my flat. Luna Simone serves a great breakfast but it's only available between 730 and 830 am. I wanted to be more relaxed and not have a deadline for breakfast. Of course, I know I don't have to eat their breakfast but I figured if I paid for it then I should get my buns out of bed to get it.

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359 posts

I've stayed at both, Kerri, but after a few L&S experiences, it's now my London hotel of choice -usually at least once per year; gotta be 10 stays now. Lime Tree was OK (daughter now running instead of parents as when I last stayed) but found L&S better on all fronts; $'s, friendliness, access (24hr/#24 bus service to/from L&S can't be beat), cleanliness (spotless), etc., etc. Peter, Bernard and the entire family Desiree will make your stay enjoyable. With adults/teens, a few doubles will work for you although I believe L&S have some quads; I'm usually in a single/double. As one poster suggested, depending on length of stay, an apartment rental may work out even better for your "large group" circumstances. If hotel is your choice though, you'll be hard pressed to beat the L&S. And if L&S is your decision, and your "Tubing" it to the hotel, go one stop beyond Victoria Station to Pimlico Station and avoid the zoo that Victoria can be; it's also a slightly shorter walk along less-busy streets from Pimlico.

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34 posts

Thanks for the "tube" tip Geoff. As new "tubers" do you know of a website that can give us a quick orientation before we get there? We'll be arriving at Heathrow and thought we'd give it a go!

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359 posts

Regarding the "Tube", Kerri; once you study the "Tube" map on the website provided by Nigel, you'll see only the "Picadilly" Line services Heathrow. If you decide on the L&S Hotel: Take "Picadilly" (beneath the H'Row Terminals)to "Green Park Station" and get off; should be just under 1 hour. At "Green Park" you'll see signs directing you to the "Victoria" Line (make sure you get the right direction/platform); take the southbound and "Pimlico" station is only 2 stops; a few minutes. Easy ride and a lot cheaper than Taxi or Heathrow Express. That said, with your large group, a pre-arranged "ride" - taxis/mini-bus (research on this site or others) might be worth the $'s and you can take the Tube back to Heathrow when going home and more familiar with the system. Nothing worse than climbing off a red-eye from the west coast and trying to figure out Heathrow/The Tube when you're bleary-eyed and jetlagged. Geoff

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34 posts

Thanks for the detailed instructions Geoff! We'll have to seriously consider your suggestion of a pre-arranged ride. I can just see the 8 of us wandering about all corners of London, disoriented when we arrive. :-)