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Lighthouse Accomodations on the Isle of Skye in Scotland?

I remember a while back reading about (and seeing a very cool picture) of a lighthouse you could stay at on the Isle of Skye. Now I can't find the reference and nothing I can find on the Internet is helping. Does anyone have an idea or has stayed in such a place?

Alternately is there a recommendation for accomodations in Skye? We're headed there in about 10 days - I know, last minute but you have to take advantage of opportunities when they come up! Thanks for any help.

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53 posts

That looks really interesting too but the one I was looking for was actually on Skye. Anyone?

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19 posts

It might be either of these places:

1) Eilean Ban Lighthouse (Gavin Maxwell museum location)

2) Neist Point Lighthouse

Both advertise accomodations at the former lighthouse keeper's cottage.

Also, try this website:

Scroll down a little to the "Outside U.S." listing and click on "Scotland"