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Kids to Canada

I will be traveling with my 6 year old to Canada for a few days next month and need to know what I need to take her across the border. I have read that I would need a signed and notarized document from her noncustodial father giving permission....the thing is that he is presently incarcerated ! My trip is drawing near! What do I do?

Posted by
638 posts

If you're in Bellingham, per your signature line, you're only a half hour away from the border,simply drive up to the border and ask or call them. That way you'll get the answer from the people that know and control the situation, being he's locked up I'm sure you'll have some follow up questions for them if what you've read it true.

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1806 posts

You definitely need a signed/notarized document to bring the kids over the border. Last year on a driving trip to Montreal with my friend and her children, she had to produce that document as soon as we pulled up to the border patrol and they saw the kids in the car with us. Not sure how you go about getting something like that if your ex is in prison, but as Barry suggested you should try calling the U.S. border patrol as soon as possible to find out how to resolve your situation.

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1068 posts

Another voice chiming in with "yes, you will need such a document." Brilliant idea to drive up and ask.

Posted by
2349 posts

In almost 10 yrs of taking my kids to Canada without me, my husband has never been asked for proof of permission. We did get something notarized before each trip, just in case. Also, they were teens at the time, able to speak for themselves. You will need a passport for her. Do you have any documentation listing you as custodial parent? Or you could see if there is a notary at his facility, if he's agreeable.

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32332 posts

Jeremie, You may find this helpful.... The suggestion to drive to the border is a good one. That way you can speak to the CBSA personnel and get the best information. You may also wish to speak with a Lawyer (your own Lawyer or one specializing in Divorce) to find out how easy it will be to obtain documentation specifying you as the custodial parent. Where are you travelling to in Canada? Good luck!

Posted by
11507 posts

You have a passport for her first right?

Posted by
2 posts

Okay, so I spoke with Canadian border patrol and they said that a birth certificate, and a note from her father(not notarized) were good enough. I hopefully will get the letter from the ex in time. If not I am on my way to speak to a lawyer about getting the necessary documentation as to the ex's incarceration, and the custody case. The border patrol said that a passport was not necessary. Thank you all so much for your help!

Posted by
2193 posts

Whoa!!! A birth certificate may get them into Canada...technically it's all they need. But she will need a passport to return to the US! In fact, It would be surprising for a Canadian immigration officer to allow a US citizen in if they have no way to return (i.e. if they don't have a passport). Don't go without a passport.

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2433 posts

I agree with previous post, don't think she can get back into US without passport. You had best check this out, not with Canadian Border Patrol but Us immigration as they will be the ones who will decide if she can re=enter US.