Does anyone know whether I can use a Britrail London Plus pass on the Javelin Express trains going from London to Canterbury ? Have tried finding the answer but have not been successful. Also, some people say that Hampton Court Palace and Windsor can be half day visits. Any views on Canterbury ? Thank you. Deborah
The short answer is that I don't know for certain about the Javelin trains but I see no reason that the Pass wouldn't be accepted to Canterbury. I looked at three parts of the Britrail website. The route is not shown as excluded on the map on the site. There is no FAQ entry with exclusions. The timetable generator on the website using London all stations to Canterbury all stations include the Javelin services to Ashford and direct to Canturbury included with the services from Charing Cross. Since that is a Britrail generated result I'd trust it. Enjoy your trip...
Thanks Nigel. I put Canterbury Cathedral back on my list of day trips out of London after reading about the Javelin Express and how it can shave off half an hour of travel time (though I've read that a slower 2-hour train is more scenic).
However, the ticket prices seemed quite high. So if I can use the travelcard that I am planning to buy, I will probably try to get an early start on the Javelin and get to Canterbury around 9:00 a.m.
I'm confused. You said, and I answered, about Britrail London Plus. Now you are talking about a Travelcard? A Travelcard won't help much I wouldn't have thought. It includes one journey in and one journey out to the same place plus all zones of London Underground for one day. Or if you have a 2 zone multiday Travelcard it won't include any rail beyond zone 2 which is 60 miles away. Eh??
Oops ! Sorry about that. I did mean a Britrail London Plus Pass. Thanks for the help. Deborah