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iWalk Dublin Podcasts...

I am big into walking odcasts when traveling...I download all of Rick's and even make my own reading Rick's walks in his books.

I downloaded iWalk Dublin Podcasts and am wondering if anyone has used them. Are they any good or would you suggest any other walks? I am into history, major sites, etc.


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113 posts


This is just to bump your post to the top. I can't believe someone has not replied to you.

I can't answer your question. We have never used a podcast....shoulda, coulda used one in Rome 2 years ago. I can only assume that Rick's are all good. I have seen and heard positive comments about some of them.

Sorry I'm no help otherwise. Maybe someone will post.

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586 posts

I've downloaded them, too, Lisa, and have listened to them while working, in advance our trip to Ireland this December. I'll probably listen to them a few more times, and then perhaps on the plane, but as for walking down the street listening to them, seems to me I'd feel too removed and uncommunicative with those around me. So I listen in advance, imagine, try to remember what I can, and then when there, just take it all in--with a guidebook in my pocket, of course! The few I've listend to at work thus far are informative and entertaining.

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2624 posts

I used these podcasts last year - the Viking Dublin route went around the area of my hotel (Harding). If you can, listen to the whole thing before you start walking, with the map provided, as the directions are spoken kind of fast and I missed a few turns. I thought the narration was interesting, if not a little dry, but I like history, etc. too so I loved it. Great way to spend a jet lagged morning walking around a very quiet neighborhood on a Sunday morning.