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Isle of Man ideas?

I am going to be in the midlands next summer and thought it might be fun to spend a couple of days on the Isle of Man. (You can't get Manx kippers in the US, sadly.) Anyone who has been there have any ideas of places to stay, things to do? I do plan to check out guidebooks and websites, but I'm hoping for personal experiences as advice.

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5678 posts

I've not been, but I sure enjoyed the episode of Top Gear when the boys visited the Isle. For the fun of it you might want to try seek it out.


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375 posts

I asked a question about this topic on July 23 2010, and received a few responses. You may want to check out that thread.

Posted by
990 posts

Thanks, D.D. I must have missed that thread. Though I think we are both still awaiting responses from former Isle of Man visitors. Anyone?

I promise to post on my trip when I get back, though it's pretty far into the future.