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Is it worth the drive?

Hi. We have settled on a place for Christmas (Limerick) and wanted to do a quick trip to Northern Ireland if we had time. Would 1.5 days be enough to drive from Limerick to the Antrim Coast and stay in Belfast for the night? We would tool around Belfast for half of the next day before we head down to Dublin to round out the trip. We would really like to see the Giant's Causeway and N Ireland but are not sure if the timing is right. Any thoughts?

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977 posts

Any particular reason you have chosen to stay in Limerick? My least favourite place in Ireland.

Posted by
12313 posts

Limerick is a gray industrial-looking city. I met some great people there but it wouldn't be my first choice for an Irish visit.

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9369 posts

I wouldn't choose Limerick, either. Galway would be much nicer, and put you in better striking distance of N Ireland, too.

Posted by
2876 posts

It's a good 6-hour drive from Limerick to the Antrim coast, and that's not counting stops for gas, lunch, and anything else along the way. And then it's another 1 1/2 hours or so down to Belfast. You'd be spending most of your day in the car and you wouldn't have time to enjoy anything of this spectacularly beautiful area. IMO the Antrim coast deserves at least a full day all by itself. So my answer to your question would be no, 1.5 days isn't enough time.

Posted by
61 posts

Not to burst your bubble, but I concur on not staying in Limerick. We stayed one night and that was plenty. It want's a horrible experience by any means, just not that much to see and kind of drab. Galway is much pleasanter but it's still kind of on the opposite end of the country. Just driving between the cities is doable, but won't leave you much time for sightseeing.

Posted by
1035 posts

I would think long and hard about spending too much time in Stab City. Here is an oldie but a goodie: Why does the river run through Limerick? Because if it walked it would get mugged. EDIT: Finding a way to spend some time in the north of Ireland is a good idea. Just not as you have outlined.

Posted by
9 posts

Sorry, but I would have to agree with the other posters on Limerick and on trying to make such a trip and have it be enjoyable (to Belfast). The Antrim coast is absolutely beautiful and just driving through is not enough. Save it for another time or stay closer: Galway, Westport, Sligo!

Posted by
76 posts

Limerick was not our first choice. We are finding it difficult to get a hotel over Christmas that is in our realm of reasonable for cost. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult things is our short length of stay so an apartment isn't feasible either. We would prefer to stay in Galway as well. Maybe we will have to find a way to save up that extra bit of money to avoid "Stab City." Michael - I guess I'm happy we didn't book our hotel yet. Well, say we do stay in Galway... is that worth the same drive as the original post? It is closer to N Ireland but not substantially. Thoughts? Thanks for your help!

Posted by
9369 posts

At that time of year the daylight hours will be very short, and the weather is unpredictable. To me, it doesn't seem like enough time with those variables thrown in. You could always go on back to Dublin and take a day trip by train to Belfast.