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Is it possible to wait to clear customs?

I will be flying to Copenhagen from the US in a few days. I get in early morning. However, my sister, with whom I am traveling, doesn't arrive until the afternoon, so I will need to wait for her somewhere. I will have checked my bag through, and my question is the following: After picking my bag up at the baggage claim, am I REQUIRED to go through customs immediately at that time, or can I get my bag and then return to international arrival terminal where I can wait for my sister more comfortably, and then go through customs when I've met up with her? I guess the 2nd part to that question is that if I must immediately go through customs, after I clear customs can I wander through the "post-security" area/terminals or will I now be in the "pre-security area"? Also, where is a good place to go and relax while waiting for her? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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9109 posts

You can wait at the luggage carousels if you want, but it would be kind of boring. I would use that time to get something to eat, freshen up, and get some local currency. When you pass through customs to the arrival area you will be in the "pre-security area". You won't be allowed to wait for you sister at her arrival gate, the only place you will allowed meet up will be just past the customs check where lots of other people will be waiting.

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5790 posts

I agree with Michael. I would hate to wait in the baggage area. If you are going to wait at the airport, choose a cafe or something after you exit the secure area. I'm sure there is a map of the Copenhagen airport online.

One question ... are you staying in Copenhagen or travelling on? If you are staying in Copenhagen, I'd recommend that you go directly to the hotel and meet her there. I've always found meeting at the hotel to work much better than waiting around for someone at the airport after a long flight. If one of you has a delayed flight, no one is stuck at the airport for hours. You can also leave a note at the front desk if you decide to go out for a walk or something.

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1455 posts

I agree with Laura and meet your sister at the airport if you are staying there.

In Toronto I was supposed to wait for a friend, and her flight was delayed, while mine was early. I ended up going to the hotel, dispite knowing she'd be angry at me for ditching her. I justified it by saying my time was just as valuable, and I didn't want to "hang out" at the airport for 3 hours.

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70 posts

As it has been said previously, you are not REQUIRED to go through customs immediately after collecting your luggage, but you can't go back to the departure hall either. There are one way doors making this impossible (probably because of security issues). So you will actually be stuck in the baggage claim area unless you go out to the "pre security area", and from there, you can't get into the "post security area" again without a boarding pass. There is absolutely nothing to see and do in the baggage claim area, so I would recommend that you get out through customs and either hand in your luggage at the aiport luggage storage facility, and take the metro to town (it's a 13 minutes' ride), or otherwise stay in the pre security area. There is a Starbucks and a Burger King in the terminal 3 check-in hall (Burger King is upstairs as far as I remember)

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12313 posts

I checked out US rules and here you are supposed to go to customs right away. If someone was delaying for some reason, it would be considered suspicious.

I would also recommend going through customs and then find your sister.