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Ireland May 2009 - B&Bs ($100-150) for a solo travel outside of Dublin

I will be arriving in Dublin and flying out of there in May. Over a two week period, I would like to take some tours from Dublin and back and then will have a few nights on my own to stay in a few B&Bs and explore. Is it possible to take a train to one of the cities from Dublin? If so, can you please recommend some B&Bs that are reasonably priced $100-$150 US if possible? What cities would you recommend that are safe and fun to walk around on my own without a car from the B&B? I love nature, music and art and am really not into history, crowds or big cities. I like quaint, reasonably priced with lots of things to do that are outside and fun. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you!

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9363 posts

It's impossible to offer suggestions for B&Bs when you don't tell us what cities you are interested in. Bus travel would give you more options than the train, particularly if you are interested in anything toward the west. You should be able to find lots of accomodations in your price range -- I have traveled solo in Ireland and have never paid anything near that much for a B&B.

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57 posts

Thank you Kim. I appreciate it. I have been googling for the last 4 days. Takes tons of time. Would like to know everyone's specific recommendations though.
If I see a B&B or cottage in the country with a beautiful view that anyone recommends, I can base a few days of my trip around that B&B and city. Right now I am open except to big cities as all of Ireland
is gorgeous. Thanks!

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57 posts

Again, please just tell me any B&B you stayed in that is as the country with a nice view. The city is unimportant. If I like it, I will stay there. I have an open schedule for about 4 days.
Did the same with my flight, got a good deal and then based my travel around that flight. Would like to do the same with a B&B suggestion. Thank you from Florida. :)

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668 posts

We stayed at several B&Bs last year, but I am afraid my sister in Scotland has all the details, however you mention being concerned about safety. You will be safer anywhere in Ireland than Tampa. People will go out of their way to help you and you will find them extremely frindly everywhere. I like to tell the story of going, as directed to the PO in a small village to book into a self catering cottage. We got directions, asked for the key, to be told, "It's in the door", with an inflection that implied, "Where else would it be"!

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57 posts

thank you so much Iain. If you talk with your sister or email her, I would love to know the B&Bs where you stayed. I am also looking into renting a cottage as well so would be interested in that as well.

Thank you!