I'm looking for a charming accomodation in Ireland in the area of Limerick County(west), Clare County (south) or Kerry county (north) Any suggestions?
Are you looking for B&Bs, self-catering accomodations, guesthouses, or hotels? How long do you intend to stay?
We were originally looking at b&b's but would consider other accomodation if it was nice and reasonably priced. We are planning on staying 4 days.
Thank you.
What time of the year will you be traveling? How are you getting around - public transportation or rental car? And do you want to stay in one location or a couple of different ones? What do you intend to see? In short - can you give us some details to go on?
Four nights or three nights?
4 nights and we're going to have a rental car. We want to base out of that area and go a different direction each day to see what we can.
We will be traveling in July and want to stay in just one place.
One reliable (in our experience) source of charming B&B or small hotel accomodations is Karen Brown.
She lists a number of places on her website; still more in her Ireland guidebook. Her recommendations can be a bit pricey, but she's never put us in a bad one.
http://www.randlescourt.com/ is a nice hotel located on the main road into Killarney and has it's own parking area.
A bit pricey but if you sign up for their mailing list they have some nice specials for multiple nite B&Bs
Killarney is the best, most convenient place to use as a base and there are a ton of nice B&Bs and small hotels in the area. We stayed at the Killeen House which was great but more than a B&B. You can't make a mistake. Look in Trip Advisor.
Thank you everyone. You've given me some good tips
Lori -
To make finding B&Bs even easier, the Irish Tourist Board - Bord Failte - publishes two free B&B and Townhome & Country guidebooks covering both the Republic and Northern Ireland. The nearly 2,000 listed B&Bs are organized alphabetically by county and town. I simply cut out the pages of the counties on my itinerary and carry them along. Also, it's quite easy to just call from the road to book a room for the night or a day or two ahead.
ITB's address is: 345 Park Ave. NYC, 10154. Phone: (800) 223-6470.
We used the above mentioned books, they were great. Many of the b&b's are purpose built. Never had a dud. They're inspected and must meet the books standards to get in. i.e. table cloths not place-mats at breakfast, just to mention one petty one.
Thanks for the tip. I checked out the Irish Tourist Board online and like David said, you can pick accomodation by type and by county or city. Very helpful...just what I needed to plan. Thanks so much!