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Insurance in Ireland for car rental

I have nervously scanned the postings of horrific stories of how rental places take huge advantage of travelers w/ their dishonesty and fees. I'm hoping and praying I won't encounter that at all. In 2000 I rented from National and they did try to bill me after I returned to US. I fought it with the credit card company and won. To my mind, once they sign off on the return of your vehicle, you are no longer responsible.

This week I've done a pkg deal w/ Aer Lingus Vacation Store and Dooley...again fearful re what is acdepted once one gets there, I called Dooley and was just told that yes, they do accept the World MC insur coveerage but they have a 2000E deductible. Just an FYI.

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A 2000E deductible for a rental car in Ireland gets my attention. We've had some stories posted here of dents and scrapes on those narrow Ireland roads that, although "minor damage," ended up being a couple thousand dollars. Having said that, of course it is a judgment call that each individual has to make for herself/himself. The question that has been asked here before is: with a 2000E deductible, how much money do you have, and how lucky do you feel?