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inexpensive sleeipng in London

My grandaughter and a friend will go to London for the Olympics and are wanting recommendations for an economical place to stay while there. They'd like to book it asap. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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449 posts

Ann: Some information has been posted. Do a search on "Geor" (it's George but it was truncated when I registered). I will be staying in a college dorm for $57/night; already have the reservation. George Liu

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635 posts

I can't imagine a worse time to visit London but to each their own. My opinion is based on having no interest in actually seeing the Olympics. The city will be even more crowded than usual and prices will reflect the demand. George has the right idea if you aren't looking for an upscale place. Another possibility is to avoid London and look at the specific areas where the events your granddaughter and her friend want to see. It should be possible to stay in outlying areas and utilize the excellent public transportation system. I suggest you (or them) identify the exact location of the events they want to see and then go to TripAdvisor to search for that area. You can also check the bus or train routes, schedules and cost. Whatever they do, book way in advance.

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529 posts

There are plenty of inexpensive B&B's in Belgravia and Victoria Station area. Check TripAdvisor for recommendations in those areas. A few are: Blades Hotel, Cherry Court Hotel, Lime Tree, and The Elizabeth Hotel.

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16 posts

Thanks for your information, all. My granddaughter and I did stay in Belgravia last summer and it is so very convenient and safe. However,while it was inexpensive compared to many places, it was not really too inexpensive. I will forward your advice to her. I like the idea of checking the venues and seeing what is there that might be less expensive. She is well versed in tube riding, thanks to last summer. Again, thank you all. Ann

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33 posts

I am leaving this Sat and will be staying at Vandon House Hotel, which is in RS's book. It's run by a small college in Iowa and offers rooms during the summer. Great location near Buckingham Palace. They are taking bookings now for the Olympics.

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93 posts

I recommend Generator Hostel or Aran House in Bloomsbury. Very affordable and she can get a private room but will have to share a bathroom.

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16 posts

Thanks so much for the information. I will relay it to her. She is in the midst of finals right now. I don't think she's gotten word re: her Olympic tickets yet. If she and her friend don't get what they want, they won't be traveling. Hopefully, they will. So thank you again. Ann

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3428 posts

Have them check the London School Of Economics. they ahve multiple locations around London. They rent spare dorm rooms and apartments to tourists. This is their website You get ensuite (mostly), kitchen or Kitchenett or access, and access to student services such as the laundry room.

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643 posts

Hyde Park Rooms Hotel in Paddington has rooms with a shared bath as low as 55 pounds for a double. They have very good reviews on Tripadvisor, though I've never stayed there. Rates include breakfast.

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449 posts

Hi Ann: I would highly recommend that your granddaughter go forward with her plan to visit London during the Olympics regardless of what tickets she gets. Being in an Olympics city is a great experience. I was in Vancouver each weekend of the 2010 games and found it to be so exciting that I am planning to go to London (have booked my budget housing for a stau of over two weeks). I was also in Paris in 1998 when the World Cup final was played, and enjoyed being with the international crowd which will be present in even larger numbers in London. I see this as the last opportunity to attend any Olympics in the near future where there are plenty of other cultural and historical attractions to fill in the time between sporting events. The next games will be in Sochi, Russia, in 2014, Rio des Janario, Brazil, 2016, probably South Korea in 2018 and who knows where in 2020 (though Rome and an unnamed Australian city will bid as well as India, Qutar...). I see London being the perfect city, aside from Paris, to attend during the Olympics. Sure it will be crowded but because I most likely not get all of the tickets that I requested I will have time to visit all of the usual tourist attractions. Of course if she does not like crowds then she visit London some other time. George

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449 posts

Ann: In an earlier email I encouraged your granddaughter to attend the Olympics in London even if she just got a few tickets. It will be the experience of a life time for her and her friend. However, if she did get some tickets and decides not to go I would be willing to deal with her to purchase the unwanted tickets. An article that described the ticket distribution in the UK stated that 1 out of 7 ticket applicants will get nothing, and that most folks will get between 10% - 20% of what they applied for. I made an application for 14 tickets including sports for which I thought there would be very little demand in the USA such as badminton, handball, and rowing (which always has been free and for which the Olympics venue can handle 30,000 people) and only got 4 (didn't get tix for the named sports) so I am willing to consider any sporting event for which she might have tickets available. Again, I hope she does make use of any tickets that she gets. George
[email protected]

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16 posts

Hi George, Thanks for info. Unfortunately, our granddaughter and her friend got NO tickets. They might decide to bid on some if they aren't too expensive and they find out the bidding day, but maybe not. She is bummed to the max.

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345 posts

Be happy that you got 4. I put in for $3600 of tickets and got nothing, my mom put in for $6000 and got 1. 4 at the moment sounds terribly unfair to my none, lol. There are many of us who are indeed terribly bummed.