I'm am really worried about this I am leaving tomorrow evening for England and it never occurred to me that I may need to show proof of immunizations. Does anyone know if this is necessary? I've been searching this site and haven't come across anything that states it's necessary to enter the country. (obviously, I've been immunized as a child, but I've never had to show proof and I wouldn't even know where to look for a record of said immunizations)
We were never asked when we went to UK.
You can find what you need to know about U.K. entry requirements here: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/travellingtotheuk/Enteringtheuk/arrivingatukborder/ As you can see, you are not required to present any proof of immunizations.
Phew! Thanks guys for putting my mind at ease. I feel so relieved. :~) Now I can relax and enjoy myself.
No, you won't have to show any proof of immuninations.
The only thing you need to get in is a US passport that is valid for at least 6 months more. Enjoy.
The UK requires only 3 months validity for passports: http://www.visitbritain.com/en/Travel-tips/Customs-and-immigration
Dawn does raise a valid point. Prior to any overseas travel we always check with our local public health agency which has a list of recommended shots for all countries. Sometimes it is surprising what is on the list.
thanks for the correction, michael
I am British and even when travelling to and from India I did not need to show proof of immunisation. All immunisation was done at my own discretion. I can't see that Americans can be thought to be harbouring any wildly contagious diseases! I have only had to show valid immunisation when travelling with my dog, (for my dog I hasten to add).