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I just saw a really good special from Hurtigruten cruises for shoulder season and am exploring some options. I've wanted to do one of their trips for awhile. We will be in Europe (somewhat flexible) in early June, so am considering taking a hop from Frankfurt north, cruise 6 or 7 days, then fly back to Frankfurt to finish our biking trip in Germany. Another option is waiting and doing a separate trip in September (12 days). Our only time in Norway in Oslo was off a cruise ship, so don't have much experience in Norway.

Ok, now my questions:

Would you recommend June or September? What are differences in weather/high seas/sights?

If we do June, is it best to cruise northbound or southbound (we'd only do one way in June, probably 12 day if we go in September).

We will have our folding bikes with us in Europe - is it worth taking them on the ship for quick access to ports?

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118 posts

My wife and I did this trip two years ago. We sailed on a late September voyage and experienced very windy, rainy weather. I still enjoyed it but my wife wasn't very comfortable when we were out in the open ocean and the waves were crashing over the top of the ship. The crew told us that that weather was not common that time of the year, We traveled from Bergen to Kirkines and flew to Oslo from there, good connections to the airport. All of the ports were in towns and walking was fun when the weather permitted. Think hard about 12 days on the boat but you do stop at different ports on the return trip. There are many day trips from the ports that you can pay for on the ship if they sound interesting to you. There is one fjord that is traveled until late september. We missed it by one day and had we known, we would have started a day early. The one side trip we took was to North Cape near the end of our voyage. We are both glad we did that one. Have a great time.

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5672 posts

Hi Karen,

I have not taken the hurtigruten, but I did live in Scandinavia for several years. I have always wanted to take the hurtigruten and visit the Lofotens.

I would definitely choose early June over September. In general, there is usually less rain. There is also much more daylight. Keep in mind the longest days of the year are the weeks before and after June 21. Also, the tourist season ends in about mid-August and things start to shut down or reduce hours. I think you will find more things open in June.

I've only been to a few of the towns on the hurtigruten route. I don't think you will need the bikes. The towns I've been to have been quite compact.

Sounds like a great trip.