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How many days for Ireland

Hey. I am planning on going to Ireland in September of this year. What is the best city/cities to stay in? How long do you recommend I need to get a good feel? I am 29 and single. I will be traveling alone.

Also this is my first stop in Europe, I will be flying to London afterwards and so forth.

I am just trying to get a good feel of how long and the best places to go.


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864 posts

Are you just staying in cities or are you planning on renting a car and seeing the countryside?

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14 posts

I am planning on flying into Dublin (cheapest flight) -- staying there for a couple nights then travel over to the west coast and spend a couple days there. (5 nights total) then fly to London from the west coast.

Think that will work?

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9363 posts

How are you planning to get from Dublin to the west -- and where in the west do you want to be?

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32253 posts


With only 5 days to spend in Ireland, I'd suggest limiting your stay to two cities. Although they're separated somewhat geographically, I'd suggest Dublin (3 days?) and Dingle (2 days?). I'd have to do some research to figure out the best transportation options between those two points (likely a combination of train and Bus, so you'd have to allow for travel times also).

At the end of your visit, fly to London Gatwick via RyanAir. As I mentioned before, be sure to pack light, as there is NO flexibility in their baggage limits!

If you do get to Dingle, have a pint for me!

Happy travels!