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Hop On Hop Off Bus First Day in London

Hi - so exciting to say our first trip to London starts two weeks from today! This Helpline is a great resource. Arriving earling a.m. and planning to bags at hotel then do a HOHO bus to get acclimated and relax. Rick's book mentions two bus companies - according to my copy we get a small discount on the Yellow Bus. Anyone have an experience on these HOHO tours which would point to a different bus. Also, where is the closest stop to South Kensington? OR - we are planning to get a 7 day travel card. Is there a local bus line that would be an acceptable substitute for the HOHO bus? Where would we get it? Thanks!

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2631 posts

I don't have opinions about the company to use, but have a bit of advice based on my own experience doing this (arrived LHR 6 a.m., ped bags at Marble Arch area hotel, rode bus until check in). If at all possible, sit on the top of the bus OUTSIDE. Otherwise, you'll be lulled into a stupor (and possibly doze off and miss things). Though I loved the overview the bus gave of the city, in hindsight I should have let my feet do the work (fresh air and exercise would have helped after the long flight).

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8700 posts

To see the areas covered by the HOHO buses you would need to travel on more than one local line. My wife and I did just that on our first trip to London and we enjoyed it. We got off each bus on the spur of the moment whenever a neighborhood looked interesting, explored a bit on foot and/or popped into a cafe for coffee, and then got on another local bus. We didn't take the the time to cover the equivalent of an entire HOHO route, but we got a good above ground introduction to central London. The Visitor Guide on the Transport for London site includes a map of major bus routes in central London. South Kensington is on two of those routes.

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9369 posts

My parents and my sister's family did the same thing on arrival day. No one had slept particularly well on the flight, and once they were ensconced on the gently swaying bus, in the warm sun, they all dozed off. The kids now recall it as something they "hated". Better to spend the time walking around, as a previous poster suggested. I love HOHO buses and would suggest doing it for a good overview of the city - but not on arrival day.

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33587 posts

Excellent advice by those above, especially Tim for his Visitor Guide link. If you have an Oyster Card for the day anyway coming in from Heathrow you will almost certainly reach the daily cap. That means that the extra local bus rides will be effectively free. Sure beats paying through the nose for the HoHo. You do need to read up ahead if you do it that way but it can be really rewarding. You won't be on an open-top but at this time of the year do you really want an open-top. If you can get towards the front of the top deck you will get a great view. If the bus is too crowded just pop off and wait for another. They are all pretty frequent. As you ride keep an eye out for round blue plaques on the outside of buildings which commemorate famous people who were born, died, lived, etc., there. The key is being outside on the first day, and moving the body about. You must be so excited!!

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724 posts

Another option for your first day is to take one of the walking tours. This can help orient you to one particular area of the city and get you the walking and fresh air that are so critical to beating jet lag. The walking tour guides are generally much better than the HOHO guides (and by all means, do NOT take the bus with the recorded's dreadful!) and a two hour gentle walk is really pleasant after a red eye. Then, if you still want to take the HOHO, you can do so the next day. I was actually quite disappointed by the HOHO, but I know a lot of people like them and they do give you an orientation to the entire city you won't get elsewhere.