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Hiking in Scotland

My wife and I are planning a hiking trip to Scotland for next year. What are the policies on bringing food into Scotland? Like beef jerky and trail mix. Basically precooked, prepackaged foods.

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3428 posts

Don't know their policy. But have seen excellent supplies in stores in Aviemore and Inverness. You should be able to buy what you need when you get to Scotland.

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79 posts

I don't know into which airport you are flying. I've flown into Heathrow more than once and I've never had anyone stop me to ask if I had food with me. Also, I've crossed the Scottish border both by train and car and I've never had anyone ask me to if I had food either. I've brought Powerbars and other snacks for the flight over and I didn't necessarily eat them all on the plane.

In my experience travelling in the U.S. and Canada, the main concern some states and provences have are with fruit. I think on my return to the U.S the first time they asked if anyone had any fruit.

I've never looked for beef jerky but the grocery stores there are full of great snacks and LARGE bottles of water that can be as cheap as 69p. They are a great deal if you have a "home base" and can rinse out smaller bottles and refill them - although I would use them more than a couple times.

I plan to do some hiking the next time I go to Scotland and I'm not planning to take any special foods with me. I'll just grab a few things in a Morrisons or whatever grocery store I can find.

Ask the people who run the b&b or hotel where you'll be staying where you can get things like beef jerky.

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668 posts

Doubt if it would be a problem. The only times I have been aware of any restrictions were when foot & mouth disease and mad cow disease were a proble, both, thankfully, for the moment, behind us. You specifically state "to Scotland". I assume you mean coming from outside the UK. Once in the UK you can travel freely with whatever you wish - While Scotland and England are separate countries with their own laws, etc., their foreign policies are the same and they act as one country for immigration, customs, etc.

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5678 posts

Kristopher, You can find all this food in the UK, no worries. Have you explored all the walking sites on the web? Walking is UK speak for hiking. I'm just back from a walking holiday in Scotland and Toni's right you can find stores in Aviemore, but also in Edinburgh and Glasgow. There's an outdoor store in Inverness as well. Millets is a well-known outdoor equipment store. BTW make sure you have good waterproof boots, rain pants, goretex type jacket, midgie hat, serious bug repellent (you may not need these, but if you do, you really want them!), and I like a walking stick. I use it for balance crossing the many streams, but also to test for solid footing in boggy bits.

Don't forget your camera. It's wonderful. Where are you thinking of hiking?
