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Harrod's at Heathrow

The last time I was in London, I bought some Harrod's bubble bath at Heathrow bc the friend I was visiting advised me that it was cheaper there than in Knightsbridge (she was right). Just wondering if the new restrictions on liquids have affected what's for sale at the Heathrow Harrod's. Also, is it still cheaper?

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286 posts

I imagine it was slightly cheaper without the VAT. If you were planning on doing a big Harrod's shop you could always enquire about getting the VAT back when you get to the airport.

At the airport, liquids are placed in a special sealed bag that is to remain closed. This only works if you are not transiting flights i.e., London to your final destination only.

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191 posts

Not a huge shop--just bubble bath and/or hand lotion...but good to know that I can still get it...I realised after I posted the question that i can likely check on my way in and buy on the way out so that I dont have to carry it around for 2 weeks...

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286 posts

Arrivals don't go through the main shopping and waiting areas at Heathrow. Travelers get whisked in a separate corridor to the arrivals hall or immigration.

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295 posts

Harrod's in Heathrow (there are lots of them) post each item with the airport and Knightsbridge store prices, so you an see the savings.

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158 posts

It won't cost that much more and is after the security.... do check on line for prices as suggested by another traveler!

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12 posts

Be careful if you're changing planes in the States on the way back. I picked up some wine for my sister at the airport in Paris - after security. There were big signs everywhere "You can take this on the plane." Sure you could, to the US, but I had to change planes in Cincinnati. Now, we were in Delta's hands completely from going through security in Paris the whole time. When we landed in Cincinnati, we still hadn't ever left the secured areas. Customs let me through with the wine, but after customs we had to go through security again, and security confiscated the wine as being a liquid over 3 ounces that couldn't fit in a plastic bag. I was furious, but what can you do?

So, if you're changing planes in the US, don't assume you can take a liquid on board even if you buy after security and even if they tell you that you may take it on board.