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Great Britain Pubs

My wife and I will be visiting England and Scotland this fall and certainly look forward to visiting the many pubs that exist in both countries. My wife however, is not a beer drinker. Do the pubs serve wine and is this a common request at pubs in England and Scotland. Thanks in advance for any replies

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1467 posts

She should try the hard's pretty good...also the food can be most excellent. We stayed in a pub in Wales and the owner's husband turned out to be a famous Swiss chef.

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5662 posts

Many pubs do serve wine, but as you might imagine the quality of the wine can really vary. If she hasn't tried cider before, you might suggest that she give that a try at one of the pubs.

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3428 posts

Most pubs serve a variety of spirits- beer (often refered to by variety such a lager, bitter, etc.), ale, cider, wine, whisky, etc. They also serve 'soft'/non-alcoholic drinks such as sodas, lemonade, juice and water. She will be fine.

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1265 posts

Steve - Have a look at this web site.

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629 posts

Wine, cider, soft drinks, bottled water, power drinks, juices, coffee, tea..........

Posted by
396 posts

Like your wife, I'm not a beer drinker and have never had a hard time getting a decent glass of wine in a pub. My husband uses The Book Pub Guide to find places in the towns we visit, mainly to check on food availability since we're usually looking for lunch as well as a drink. It does cover a lot more in England than Scotland, but you can check out their website:

Posted by
241 posts

All pubs sell wine. Some will be very good. You'll be asked 125 or 250ml. Refer to size of glass (bottle is 750ml).

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241 posts

Ps - more women drink wine than beer in pubs ( from personal experience) so she'll fit in fine.
S ;0)

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4684 posts

As the Pub Landlord says: "pint for the man and a glass of white wine for the lady".

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1021 posts

It is very common. My wife prefers wine and I can't recall ever visiting a pub in the UK that didn't serve it.

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719 posts

All pubs will serve wine, but the quality is sketchy at best. There were several pubs that we went to that served wine that was undrinkable. The cider, however, was right up my wife's alley, and she had quite a bit of it while over there. Try Scrumpy Farms... It's big...