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Glasgow and more

I've recently Qualified to dance at the World Irish Dancing Championships in Glasgow. (!) The competitions are March 28-April 4th. My Mother and I will be travelling and I wanted to advice about how to pack, best ways to travel etc. This February we traveled to Killarney, Ireland for the All-Ireland Championships and were disappointed some of our trip mainly due to how much stuff we were carrying around at any given moment. I've been reading the Graffiti wall about packing tips and carry ons etc and there are some wonderful ideas but when I factor in my costumes and everything that I need to dance, its adds SO much. I'm also a photographer and I have to bring the big camera of course! this also adds to the amount of stuff I need to carry. Here's an abbreviated list of the things that HAVE to go and HAVE to be carried on. Ive always operated under the rule that I carry on everything I need to compete that can't be bought there. Dress, wig + accessories, shoes, socks, Camera plus all your regular carry on items that make the trip more comfortable, glasses case, book, iphone, cleansing wipes, jacket.

I very much appreciate any help anyone can offer :D I'm super excited about this trip. Hopefully Mom and I will be able to extend it and see some of the countryside while we're there.


Posted by
497 posts

It's not clear from your post but are you trying to only take carry on luggage? If you are then the obvious solution is to take a checked bag as well.

It's a good idea to take the things you need to compete as carry on and looking at your list all that should fit in a normal carry-on bag. You can then use your checked bag for everything else. (If they'll fit throw a toothbrush and some spare undies in the carry-on just in case.)

If you're worried about moving luggage in Scotland you only need to think about getting to the hotel, to that end try to limit the number of different hotels you use. It's not uncommon here to see itineraries where people change hotel every 2 days but I'd rather have a longer day trip than deal with moving hotels. Although you may be better just renting a car, depending where else you want to go and exactly where the competition is. In that case luggage isn't a problem, just do as you would in TN.

Posted by
3428 posts

If you are wanting to extend your trip after the competition, you could plan to ship your competition clothes home early. The one carry one and one checked bag would work for this- just reverse the items when you arrive then ship the bigger bag home after the contest. Then you only have a carry on for the trip home. As for the photo gear, can you consider using a smaller camera??? My hubby gets some wonderful shots using just a regular digital. Scotland is an amazing place with LOTS to discover. Let us know what you want to know and we'll all share our tips and favorites.

Posted by
5678 posts

I would take the good camera. If you are used to a camera where you have controls then you don't want to try out a new camera at such a photogenic place! I often have trips that combine city travel, with hiking and sometimes even business with my camera! I use a roll aboard. It's a generous sized one that usually check. It can expand, but when expanded it gets heavy to lug up stairs, so I try to only expand it with my souvenirs at the end of the trip. I pair this up with a backpack. I carry on the backpack and it's big enough to hold my camera equipment and things that I would need if the checked bag gets lost. I sometimes have third--horrors I know!--small bag that has basic carry on things--ear plugs, book to read, road food, sweater etc. While this is a lot by Rick Steves standards, it works for me. I can maneuver this on trains.

Another alternative would be to store a bag with the competition gear. Then you can travel more lightly when you're out moving from place to place.

The country side is wonderful, but Glasgow itself has some great sights. The Tenement House is very interesting. Check out the music in the west end.


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2 posts

Thanks so much for the replies! You've offered some wonderful ideas - especially the one about shipping my competition stuff home after the competition: thats really brilliant. it would free up space and luggage for our adventures.

We havent made any arrangements yet because we haven't even finished budgeting yet. Does anyone have any recommendations on must-see's in Glasgow and the surrounding areas?

Thanks again!

Posted by
668 posts

A relative did exactly what you are doing and they shipped their outfits home after teh competitions.

Glasgow - see the Kelvingrove Museum and the Transport Museum accross the street. The University is nearby - Google for various exhibits there.
Walk along Argyle Street and see the stores - go as far as the Tolbooth. The Cathdral is quite interesting.

Loch Lomand is a good day trip. You can also go to Gourock and take a ferry across teh Clyde to Hunter's Quay (I used to live there), Dunoon, Rothesay etc. On the East side of the Firth of Clyde, Troon (golf)and Largs (Pencil monument to Battle of Largs) are interesting.

You can get to Edinburgh quite easily also, or go north to Perth, Pitlochry, Aviemore and Inverness.

Posted by
934 posts

I would suggest that if you are flying into and out of Glasgow you could leave much of your luggage at the hotel you stay at and then stay there again your last night before flying home.Most hotels will do this.

Posted by
92 posts

Definitely make a trip to Edinburgh from Glasgow. I've been to both places many times and Edinburgh is a much nicer city with a lot more to see and do. Everytime I return from a trip to Scotland, I tell myself that I should make time to go on a Scotch whisky tour of some kind, but I never seem to have the time to do so!
