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Ghost Tours - Edinburgh and York

Does anybody have a suggestion for some good ghost tours? I know they can be cheesey but I want something that is entertaining, fun, and (if possible) a little scary. Thanks for the help!!

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2349 posts

Well, this won't help you now, but I did one 20 yrs ago in Edinburgh. I just happened to see someone advertising it on the Royal Mile. It was a great way for me to be out on the street (I was alone in town) and feel safe. They took us into the closes and alleys where I would not have gone, and we ended up in a pub.
btw-Read some Ian Rankin (mystery writer) before you go to Edinburgh.

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12313 posts

I arrived late to Merkt Square in Edinburgh for a guided walk. I saw a group heading out of the square and joined them, only to find the group I had joined was intended for young children. I left the group and found some live music.

Make sure you find the correct tour. Places like Rhotenburg have only one tour. Edinburgh has many and they all meet at roughly the same place and time.

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390 posts

I took one in York a few years ago. It was very entertaining and somewhat educational. Definitely interesting. Little bit creepy at times, but nothing too terrifying. I'd recommend it. There are about 4-5 different ghost walks through York. Supposedly it's the most haunted city in the world... You'll be able to find info on all of them at the TI or ask at your hotel. I think this one was about £3-4 and lasted a little over an hour. Met outside the Minster at 7:30.

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43 posts

I did a ghost tour in both cities in March 2006. I'm still kicking myself for rushing in/out of Betty's Tea Room to get to the ghost tour meeting place on time (in York). I can't remember which company's tour I went on and searching the internet didn't help me. Basically, the tour was more about theatrics than storytelling. The guide used props and threw water on people to try and scare them, real juvenile stuff.

Edinburgh, though, has the best ghost tour ever! It's called the City of the Dead tour. You can buy tickets early at the visitor's center in an old church along the Royal Mile or wait until the night of. They leave from St. Giles Cathedral and you get into Greyfriars Cemetery after hours. There is supposed to be a poltergiest in a locked section that tour groups get access to. I highly recommend this one. If I ever get back to Edinburgh, I intend to go on the tour again.

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61 posts

In addition to the info you get here, you might want to do a search on the Trip Advisor website. There are quite a few locals who post on that board with great advice, and I remember seeing this topic discussed.

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16 posts

It has been a long time but when in London we did a Jack The Ripper tour which was ok if you had nothing to do, in York we did a Ghost tour that was SO MUCH better. sorry I don't have tour names

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53 posts

A big thanks to everyone that has posted. An early thanks to everyone else that will be posting. The info and opinions are great - please keep them coming.

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4 posts

Try Mary King's Close on the Royal Mile. Cost about 15USD, but worth it, Alaso a tour of the cemetery where "Grey Friar's Bobbie" at the Kirk Church and the Vaults.

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208 posts

I went on one in Edinburgh in 1994 during my first trip to Scotland. It was something the family I stayed with went and we all had fun.
I can't remember which tour we did - but here's a link:

Posted by
95 posts

Hi there,
I felt the same about "ghost tours", but since I was traveling alone, and as one other post pointed out, it was a safe way to be out on the streets in the evening. I did a ghost tour in York, and was pleasantly surprised with a wonderful walking tour through the town, marvelous stories, and no juvenile theatrics. This was in 1999, and gathered outside the information booth near the minster. Sorry, I don't recall the name. I know they have more than one, perhaps several by now. Be sure to ask questions about the tour to ensure you go on the one you'd prefer, theatrics or history....enjoy!
PS: if I every make it back to Edinburgh, I will not forego the Mary King's Close tour again! I kick myself for not going during my previous visits.

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1 posts

Newcastle... its sounds crazy but they have an amazing ghost walk or City of the dead tour in Edinburgh, in my opinion its the scariest ghost walk i have ever been on and it has a very nasty poltiguiest but so do's Newcastle. On the Newcastle ghost walk we went below the castle and they gave us ghost hunting tools to use plus we did a small; seance and the history was amazing and told with real passion. some of the stories aren't just the run of the mill and are extremely scary. i think York has some Ok ghost was but there a bit cheesy and they only stop out side of the locations as the Edinburgh and Newcastle ghost walk both go into haunted locations. I am a paranormal investigator and even i was freaked out. I don't know the city of the dead website but i guess you could google it but Newcastle ghost walk is named after that film with the ghost hunter. and i have been on 6 of there walks in Durham, Tynemouth, Newcastle.
Hope this helps.

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67 posts

The Mary King Close Tour in Edinburgh on the Royal Mile is GREAT! I often go on city tours and ghost tours and that was one ofthe very best. Don't miss it!

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1 posts

So I just got back from Edinburgh last night. I took my boyfriend on the City of the Dead tour because this is the one I heard to go on over and over again when asking random locals for recommendations. The tour guide was great. She was very funny and very animated. The tour wasnt that scary for me up to a point, but I have experienced some really scary stuff in my life. That being said, I did get really scared as did the rest of the group when standing in the prison. In fact, one girl ended up fainting. I would definitely recommend this tour for anyone wanting to get their heart rate up.

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51 posts

We did the underground tour about 8 years ago in Edinburgh. Well worth it. Also - check out the history channel ( They have a show called "Cities of the Underworld" and they feature Edinburgh on one of the episodes. It will give you a taste of what you will see.