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Galway or Cork? (Ireland)

I'm a university student planning to study abroad in the fall (from September to December), and have to decide between attending NUI Galway in Galway city or University College Cork in the city of Cork. I've looked at countless of photos, searched weather, any information on either or and I can't decide where to go.

I've always loved Ireland and love it's rich history and culture and have dreamed of visiting there as more relatives than I can count live there. I'm not very much into clubs and nightlife, I'm more an old soul I suppose. I enjoy reading, keeping it low-key at a cafe, photography and taking in the sights. (just to help with what galway vs. cork offers)

Thank you for any help!

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12313 posts

Personally I really liked Galway and wasn't overly impressed with Cork. I'm sure you won't be disappointed either way.

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1035 posts

I did two semesters in Ireland many moons ago and agree with the others -- Galway!

A few reasons:
- More of a student vibe
- You'll be in the middle of the Gaeltacht
- Great coastal scenery

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286 posts

My gut said Galway too, but Cork isn't too shabby either.

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22 posts

whoo Galway! if you have the time check out the Aran Islands, well worth the time!

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269 posts

Another vote for Galway! I wasn't all that impressed with Cork either time I visited. Galway, on the other hand, is chock-full of charm, especially during the off-season.

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45 posts

I also vote Galway! There's a lot more to do in Galway than there is in Cork and I thought it was a prettier and more fun city overall.