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Food & beer budget for England

The wife and I are going to England in early March. Will spend 4 days in London and about 4 days in Bath and the Cotswold. We are on a budget in regards to food and drink.I'm thinking in 8 days we will probaly spend about $1,500 on food and drink. Yes, we will eat in pubs or cheap Indian restaraunts.
Does this sound about right?


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291 posts

$1500 equates to about 100 GBP per day for food, which for 2 people sounds very high if you're really on a budget. I'd say less than half that if you're dining at pubs etc. Of course if you want to spend $1500.

For a main meal try and seek out some of the chains. Weatherspoons are a chain of pubs (have their own website). They have special days which are very good value. Sundays is a roast dinner plus any drink including beer for about 6 GBP. Similar price is curry night on Thurdays and Steak night on Tuesdays.
Harvester are a steak house chain where if you eat before 18:30 you get 33% off, plus free buffet salad. Salad + mains + drink for 20 GBP for two.
Brewers Fayre are another chain, 2 meals for 10 GBP before 18:30. All these serve 'proper' food in restaurant environment not fast food with chips on everything.
For breakfast go to a large supermarket cafe like Tesco. Get a large English breakfast for well under 5 GBP.

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12205 posts

If you have breakfast at your hotel, B&B or hostel, I wouldn't expect to spend that. You will have plenty for budget eating with splurges.

IMO Steak & Kidney pie is the best pub grub. It really doesn't taste like kidney, more like a really good version of our beef pot pie.

Fish & Chips wasn't great. Although I ate a lot of it, the Brits seem to like it very greasy. Maybe if you let it drain?

The Brits serve peas with almost everything.

If you like hot mustard choose the English mustard. The French mustard is basically what French's mustard is here.

The only polite thing to do when drinking is to ask for a pint of their local brew. Every area is proud of their local ale/bitters/stout and you'll start off on the right foot every time.

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78 posts

I've actually been to england twice, the last being last march. But I was single and didnt consider a budget. But its different now.
Good info. I feel like I just saved money.