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Flying to London from the US, and onto Edinburgh Mid December

Flying from Salt Lake City through Denver and New York, landing at Heathrow at 7:25 AM, mid-December. Want to go to Edinburgh that same day. Shall I make the connecting plane or train reservations to Edinburgh for later in the day,or wait until last minute right before boarding in New York ? Does anyone know how high the train fairs can actually get, or how pricey Easy Jet ( or other airlines) can get the day of flying ?
I imagine there are no refunds for either Easy Jet/similar or the train if you miss the connection---we would consider the bus, just want to make it the quickest trip possible. Thanks very much for your thoughts on this....

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32253 posts

Mary, I recently travelled that same route, with the trip from London / LHR to Edinburgh via BMI. It was a code share flight, so I didn't have to book anything extra. If that's the method you choose I'd suggest booking the flight as soon as possible, as the prices often increase as the flight fills up. Especially in mid-December, I suspect that demand for flights may increase as people will be starting to head home to visit family for Christmas. There's NO way I'd want to travel by train from London to Edinburgh after a 12-hour international flight! Happy travels!

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1446 posts

We landed at Heathrow and caught the British Midlands flight from there to Edinburgh. We only had about a 1 hour wait for the flight - worked well. That's been several years ago, so I don't remember the cost.

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38 posts

Thanks for these great suggestions, my concern is actually getting to Heathrow on time due to winter weather and delays in the states-I imagine the safest idea would be to book a flight as late as possible-just wondering if anyone has had to re-book BMI or Easy Jet due to unconnected flight delays from the states-and how pricey it might turn out to be-I will check their web pages as well on this---this was an un-planned change, or I would have booked directly to Edinburgh--thanks again...

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635 posts

You are far safer booking the ticket to Edinburgh with your ticket to London. I suspect you already have your London ticket so that's water under the bridge. If you want to be reasonably safe, book about 3 hours after your arrival. I suppose your greatest risk is while you are still in the US. I've never been delayed very much on international flights. If you are, the second flight to Edinburgh is probably also having a problem. Last minute tickets will be very high. You're probably better off going with advance tickets. The train to Edinburgh from Kings Cross is about 4 1/2 hours. Unfortunately, you'll spend at least an hour getting there from Heathrow. If the weather is horrid, it will be longer. As a fail-safe, you could take the train if you miss your connecting flight and others aren't available. I agree with the poster who said it wouldn't be very pleasant after an international flight from the US.