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Flamsbana train Myrdal to Flam, Norway in a Nutshell

Hi, We are traveling with children and I've heard and read horror stories regarding hoards of "cruise ship tourists" on Myrdal - Flam train. Would anyone know if there is such a thing as a "less popular" and less crowded time of day? Are the cruise ships there everyday? The time frame is the second week of July, 2011
Thank you, Lenie

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9109 posts

That train segment is less than an hour in duration. Even if it were a bit crowded I don't see it as much of a hardship.

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37 posts

I went in September. It rained for some of the tour, but it was still amazing. Yes, there were hoards of Japanese tourists with us. It is very popular and if you want peace and quiet you need to stop and set off with your hiking boots.

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258 posts

agree w/ the posts above. It WILL be crowded whenever you go (seems to me that practically EVERY tourist to Norway does the Norway in a Nutshell trip!), and that was the case when I did it. But it didn't distract from my enjoyment at all. Fact is, it's 1 of the best side excursions I ever did in Europe! If you're starting in Oslo (couldn't tell from your post), you'll begin early in the AM (for the train portion of the trip), then the trip/connections involves a precise time frame (all made VERY easy for us tourists), so all there is to do is ENJOY every minute of it! The grandeur and beauty of the fjords and the scenery along the way on the train from Oslo will overwhelm you, you won't even concern yourself w/ the crowds around you. You're off on 1 of Europe's great experiences; have a blast!