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First afternoon in London

Our plane arrives in London at 10:45 at Heathrow. We have three kids 16, 14 and 9. We're staying close to Paddington, so we will check in or leave bags depending on if the room is ready. Then what? I'm guessing we'll be hungry, so eat at a pub? The plan for the next day is to do the Tower, cruise, Westminster day that Rick recommends. I considered doing the Westminster Walk that Rick has in his book on that first day and visiting the Churchill Museum and cabinet war rooms . The horse guards to their dismounting at 4pm and I thought we might do that rather than trying to see Changing of the Guards on another day. So what would you do your first day in London? We will leave on Saturday afternoon. We arrive on Wednesday. Christine

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3428 posts

You'll probably end up at your hotel around 12:30-1:30ish. I'd take the tube to Covent Garden. Wander around, have a bite of lunch, then walk toward Leciester Square, then towards Whitehall/Horseguards/Parliment/Westminster/Big Ben. Our kids liked getting the flavor of London on the first day and a good walk will do just that. If you aren't too tired you could even walk down Pall Mall from Westminster to Buckingham, eat supper in the Victoria area then take the tube back to your hotel.
I agree that the hourse guards is "better" than trying to watch at Buckinham. Another alternative for that is to watch the changing of the guard at Windsor Castle if you plan to visit that lovely town.

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571 posts

Christine, I think you've hit on the right way to go about spending the first day in London. One thing you didn't mention is what time of year you're going, so we don't know how much daylight and what kind of weather you'll get. But walking around after a long flight will do wonders for you. I really like Toni's plan, above. It lets you walk around, gives you lots of flexibility, and provides that "wow, I'm in London" factor right away. Enjoy your trip.....IMO London is the greatest city in the world. EDIT: When you say you arrive Wednesday, of course you probably mean THIS Wednesday. If so, you will have early darkness, but again you have complete flexibility to do as much or as little as feels right that first day.

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107 posts

Sorry, it is the middle of May! Christine PS I'm starting to get so excited. Just bought our tickets for the chunnel last night! Every place to stay is booked except our one night in Verdun..

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2800 posts

Hi Christine, you should get yourself a good map of London,
the one I like it call The London Mapguide it's a small 5X7 book, it's an excellent street map. The ISB #9 780140279481, I know you can order one from Barnes and Nobles but I'm sure you can get one from any bookstore. You said that you would be staying in the Paddington could walk to Kensington Gardens/Hyde Park there is a great pub The Swan on Bayswater across the street...then you could take the tube from Lancaster Gate tube station 3 minute walk from the Convent Garden, you would take the Central Line to the 5th stop Holbon change to the Piccadilly Line the first stop would be Covent Garden. Covent Garden is a fun area to look around and you could go to an outdoor cafe to have tea and enjoy the area. As you exit the tube station at Covent Garden you will want to go to your right and walk down a bit and there is Covent Garden. A walk thru the parks Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park and/or St. James Park is lovely. If you go to St James Park and walk across the bridge you get a wonderful view of Buckingham Palace.

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107 posts

Great. Yes, I have some good maps so I'll look for those places on them. Christine

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1986 posts

I would walk down via Charing Cross Road, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square to Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, glimpse the Thames, Westminster Abbey, aim at seeing the 4pm Changing of Horse Guards. (i would also encourage trying again for their morning show- especially on Saturday when they have a mounted band which plays while the rest of the change is going on). I use this opportunity to get back my London legs. Lots to see along Piccadilly, Regent street, Bond street.
There is a nice cafe/coffee shop in the National Gallery on Trafalgar Square for very nice lunches (I am not sure whther your 9 year old can get into a London pub, although worth the try). I can never get enough of Horse Guards. I dont try for Buckingham Palace Chaging any more; there is a nice little Guard change at St James Palace at same time as Buckingham Palace mob scene, where you get really close to them- no fences in between

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103 posts

I would recommend an afternoon or evening walk with London Walks. They're fun and your kids will enjoy them too. . They start right outside the tube stations, are inexpensive and do not require reservations. Give yourself 30-40 minutes to get from your area of town to where most walks begin using the Tube. You'll want to have a chance to familarize yourself with the Tub Map. There are lots of eateries nearby and a couple of pretty good, but reasonably priced Italian restauraunts. Have fun!

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5803 posts

If the weather is nice, I would suggest that you take the Bakerloo line from Paddington to Embankment. Take the exit from Embankment toward the Thames and walk across the Jubilee Bridge (the pedestrian bridge). From the middle of the bridge, you get great views of London (St Paul's dome, Parliament, etc.). Once you get across, you are on the South Bank of the Thames. You could take a ride on the London Eye (ferris wheel) or walk along the pedestrian walkway up toward the Tower Bridge. To me, this is one of the best areas to get that "I'm in London" feel.