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Ferry to Inishmore

We want to spend at least one full day on the Aran island, and we will probably be coming from Dingle. That makes Doolin the most obvious place to catch the ferry. Do the ferries take autos? I would like to enter the islands from doolin, and exit to the Galway side. Is this possible? If not, is there somewhere to SAFELY leave the rental car, and then return two days later? I cannot find any info on these questions, so I am coming to the best source! Thanks for all the help.

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9369 posts

Ferries to the Aran Islands do NOT take cars. They are for people only. There are parking facilities near the ferry docks. You don't say when you are traveling, but be aware that ferries from Doolin are more likely than those from Galway or Rossaveal to be canceled in case of high seas or rough weather.

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278 posts

We will be there sometime in mid may. I think I will avoid thwe ferries at Doolin, and move on around to Galway. Thanks, Jeff

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45 posts

As Nancy said, the ferry is for people only. We were in Doolin when a busload of tourists arrived and boarded the ferry. Once it got out to Galway Bay is was pitching and rolling like mad! The trip is about 2 hours and I will bet there were many, many seasick people. We have sailed for years on Gerogian Bay, which can get pretty rough, and I would say that boat was being bashed about as much as any I have seen. May I humbly suggest you consider the flights to the Island. They cost more, but in the overall cost of a trip to Ireland, another $50 is nothing really, and you are there in 7 minutes! Great views of the bay are another bennefit. If we ever return to the Aran Islands, I would not even consider taking a boat, and as I say, we love boats!