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Express Bus to Bath - too tight a connection?

I'm traveling (solo) to the UK for the first time in a couple of weeks. My United flight from San Francisco is scheduled to arrive at Heathrow at 6:55 a.m. I pre-purchased a National Express ticket to Bath that departs at 9:00. I'm carrying aboard luggage. Is there enough time to make the connection or should I try to change my reservation to a later bus?

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8293 posts

The Central Bus Station at Heathrow is a dreary place to wait around for a bus. I have done it on many a damp, cold morning. However, if your flight lands behind schedule, you might not make the 9:00 am coach, so maybe you should book the next one leaving for Bath.

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8700 posts

If your plane arrives on time and you don't have an extra long wait to get through immigration/passport control, you'll be fine. However, lots of transatlantic flights arrive early in the morning so lines can be long. If you book the 10:15 coach but get to the Central Bus Station in time to catch the 09:00 coach, you will be allowed on board--subject to seat availability.

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15 posts

Thanks, Norma and Tim. I'll call National Express and change to the 10:15 coach. Their website says there's a 5 GBP charge for "amendments", but it's certainly worth it to avoid the hassle and stress of a missed bus!