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I have some Euros left from my trip to Germany. Can I use these in London?

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3112 posts

The official currency in UK is still the pound.

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864 posts

You can use them in some tourist spots but you'll get a truly horrible exchange rate. If you ever plan on going back to the EU I'd just save them. Always nice to have a little cash on hand going in.

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85 posts

We always come back with Euros, too. What's up with that? We're bringing our along. Never know if you'll see something at the airport you may need, or maybe you'll want to skip over to Ireland where they use the Euro.

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486 posts

We had leftover euros from a trip that included Germany. We held on to them. Three years later we used them in Italy. Still ended up with some. Two years later we'll be using them for France/Ireland this month. You never know when you will be going back. We didn't expect to take one more trip much less two.

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23462 posts

Have no idea what Eddie means by "yes" other than you can get them exchanged in London. But to buy a coffee or beer -- NO. If you don't want to keep the Euro, then sell them to a friend who is going to Europe. We always try to keep 100 to 150 Euro on hand for the next trip but two years ago returned with about 400E. Had anticipated paying cash at the last hotel but they would not give a discount so it was cheaper to put it on the cc. A couple of months later I noticed that someone on this board from my area was going to Europe. I contacted them via email and arrange to sell about 200E. It was good deal all the way around -- I actually made a few cents even selling them at the interbank rate.