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Euro's in Scandinavian countries

Will Scandinavian countries accept euro's for small purchases? We will be cruising and I hate to get the local currency for each country and then have some left over.

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5672 posts

In general, no. There are always some tourist shops and department stores that will take foreign currency but usually at a terrible exchange rate.

In Sweden, you will find that you can use your credit card in many restaurants and shops. Most taxis will even let you pay with a card. However, for those places that don't take a card, expect to pay in kronor.

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102 posts

Finland uses Euro currency but Sweden and Denmark do not. They each have they own currencies so you will just have to exchange some money or use your credit card.

Or just make your purchases in Finland :-). There is a great openair market at the harbor in Helsinki with tourist stuff and fruit, vegetables, fish and flowers and cheap places to eat at. Also, there is a great indoor market called Halli to walk through with delicacies. You can also take a walk up Esplanade to the largest department store in Scandinavia - Stockmann. There they have a great bakery with mouth watering pastries. I get hungry just thinking about it! You can even buy a reindeer pelt there.

If you need any more info about Finland, I will gladly help you. I will be in Finland for 9 weeks myself next summer.

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1358 posts

We visited all four Scandinavian countries and had no problem having currency when we left any country.

Plan ahead so you don't exchange too much during your last few days in any country. Any small change you may have left can be spent for drinks, candy, post cards or souvenirs.