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Entering the UK twice on one trip

I understand that the UK visa requirements have changed recently and can't find an answer to my question on the official UK sites. I want to fly into the UK, stay three weeks, fly to Denmark for a one-week visit, then return to the UK for a few days before flying home. Does anyone know if I'll need a multi-entry visa to do that? I haven't in the past, but I know the rules have recently tightened. (Please don't respond unless you have traveled in-and-out of the UK for a multi-country trip within the past month.)
Thank you!

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5806 posts

Where did you hear this? The information on the British Home Office site about visas has not changed. You can check here: Are you a U.S. citizen? Are you travelling on vacation? If so, there is no noted restriction on multiple entries. The rule is less than 6 months. It is not unusual for UK immigration to ask questions on entry, particularly if they see that you have entered the U.K. before. I get many questions on every visit. They often ask me when my last visit was, how long I am staying this time, what the purpose of my visit is, if I have any friends in the UK, and where I am staying. When I have a situation like yours where I will be entering multiple times, I always let them know. By the way, I have not done this in the past month, but I have done this a number of times.

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17255 posts

Unless you are a "visa national" (which US citizens are not) then I don't see how the recent changes in immigration rules would affect you or your travel plans at all. Can you post a link to some rule that says otherwise? I am curious as we are going to be passing through the UK twice on an upcoming trip, staying several days each time.

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4 posts

I asked the question because I could not find an answer on the UK Border Agency website which handles visa questions. From that site, I went to World Bridge Services, a commercial partner of the UK Border Agency. Their response to my question was that I did need a mult-entry visa. I have never needed one in the past when I traveled into the UK, onto Europe, and back to the UK for a return flight, so I thought my question must have been misunderstood. It now appears that the new rules primarily effect immigration and the only change to visitors is for a special classentertainerson closer look at this web page for the UK Border Agency: (Rules in effect from April 6.) Thanks for your responses.

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1829 posts

Have just (mid April) travelled to and from Italy with my New Zealand cousins who were over here on holiday. They had no problem leaving and returning to the UK. It was no different from their previous trips to the UK.