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England & Ireland

My family of 6 is starting to put together a 10 day trip that would include both countries. Does anyone know of a good package deal or would we be better off piecing things together on our own?

I always get so overwhelmed in the beginning of trip planning so any info is most appreciated! Thanks!


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With only 10 days you may want to consider "doing" just one. 10 days would give you plenty of time for lots of activities in either place, but losing one day to "arriving", one to transfer, and one to fly home, you really only have 7 days. Not doing the "transfer" from one country to the other could give you more real vacation time. Also- what are your interests? That would help us make relevant suggesstions. Do you like cities? or prefer countryside, hiking, adventure, etc. Into Art? or History? or Culture? Is this a discover your heritage trip? Want lots of structure or as little as possible. Want to drive or prefer public transportation? Budget? Lots to think about.